Gilderfluke&Co BR-SDC Serial Device Controller User Manual

Page 20

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the input is currently closed, the small ʻcʼ will be printed as an upper case ʻCʼ. This al-
lows you to see if the external connections to the Br-SDC are working properly. The
screen will not be updated until it redraws. You can force the screen to redraw by hitting
the or ape keys.

In most cases, strings used in the Br-SDC first search for a specific ʻLDP Startʼ frame

number on the LaserDisk/DVD. As soon as it finds this frame, the next characters in the
string tell it to start the player ʻplayingʼ. At this point, you can either start a timer or start
polling the LaserDisk/DVD for the end frame of the show. When the timer times out or
the LaserDisk/DVD end frame is found, then the next characters in the string tell the
LaserDisk/DVD to stop (or ʻstillʼ). If all of this has completed successfully, then the Br-
will play whatever show/string has been set for the ʻ@endʼ. If there is a failure
anywhere in the string, then the ʻ@failʼ show/string will be played.

If you want to tell the Br-SDC to send out a string on power-up, then all you need to

do is set the action you want to happen on any unused ʻopeningʼ input. When power is
applied to the Br-SDC, it will see that this input has ʻjust openedʼ, and send the string
you have requested.

To loop a single string, all you need to do is tell any show to use the same string as it

does when it starts as the string to play ʻ@endʼ. It will then play this same string over
again each time it finishes. If you have an initialization that needs to be done to a serial
device before the first loop of the day, you can use a string that initializes the device as
the ʻnormalʼ triggered string, and then use the string that ʻplaysʼ the serial device as the
string ʻ@endʼ. It will play the ʻnormalʼ string once, and then loop the ʻ@endʼ string for the
rest of the day.

If you are synchronizing multiple LaserDisk/DVD players, you will probably want to

use a single input (wired in parallel on all of the Br-SDCs) to tell all of the LaserDisk/
DVD players to their respective start frames. A second input, wired in parallel to all of
the Br-SDCs, then is used to simultaneously tell all of the players to start ʻplayingʼ. You
can then either start a timer or start polling the LaserDisk/DVD for the end frame of the
show. When the timer times out or the LaserDisk/DVD end frame is found, then the next
characters in the frame tell the LaserDisk/DVD to stop (or ʻstillʼ).

If the Br-SDC has been set for binary mode, then the screen will appear as follows:

Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485

Br-SDC Manual / December 30, 2013 9:24 AM / page 20 of 62