Br-sdc software configuration – Gilderfluke&Co BR-SDC Serial Device Controller User Manual

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Br-SDC Software Configuration

The Br-SDC can be accessed through the serial port from any computer running just

about any modem or terminal program. We provide a free terminal program called Gil-
derTerm that makes working with GilderGear through the serial port a little easier. The
computer you are using doesnʼt even need to have any PC•MACs software installed on

Most Gilderfluke & Co. products can be controlled through their RS-232 or RS-422

Serial ports. The Br-SDC has a single RS-232 (Br-SDC/09) or RS-422 (Br-SDC/422)
serial port on it.

An RS-232 serial port typically controls a single device with a serial RS-232 port on it.

With an RS-422 serial port, many different cards and devices can be attached to the

same RS-422 serial lines to form an RS-422 ʻmulti Dropʼ network. Commands can be
addressed to a single card on the network, or all the cards simultaneously.

If you donʼt have access to GilderTerm, typical modem programs you can use are

Terminal.exe (which came with Windows 3.1) and HyperTerm.exe (which comes with
later versions of Windows).

GilderTerm is available free from Gilderfluke & Co. for use with all of our products. It

can be downloaded from our web page, and is included on all of our CD-ROMs. Gil-
derTerm has been optimized for use with all Gilderfluke & Company equipment. All the
commands are built in, and it will even let you use your mouse to select commands by
clicking on the menus.

If you are using GilderTerm, all the settings are fixed at the appropriate settings. All

you will need to do is select the appropriate ʻCOMʼ port. To talk to the Br-SDC, just con-
figure your terminal program for 9600 baud, no parity, eight data bits, one stop bit and
no flow control handshaking.

Computers donʼt normally come with serial ports on them anymore. Instead, you use

a USB-to-Serial (




) adapter, BlueTooth-to-Serial (





), Ethernet-to-Serial (


) adapter, or WiFi-to-Serial



) adapter. For the Br-SDC you will need one that provides the more

common RS-232. These are available from a number of different sources, including
Gilderfluke & Company. Our part number is


for the USB-to-Serial

adapter that provides both RS-232 and RS-422 connections, or the simpler RS-232-only
adapter is the



If you have hooked up the Br-SDC to your computer and it still doesn't seem to re-

spond to the keyboard, the first thing to check is that you are attached to the right serial
port. The easiest way to do this is to disconnect the Br-SDC and short between the Tx

Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485

Br-SDC Manual / December 30, 2013 9:24 AM / page 15 of 62