Gilderfluke&Co BR-SDC Serial Device Controller User Manual

Page 21

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The inputs for individual inputs 1 though 7 have disappeared from the screen. Any 1/

4-J6 input change that does not equal zero is considered to be a ʻclosingʼ action, and
the string set for ʻbit 0 closingʼ, will take place. Any change in the 1/-J6 inputs which re-
sults in a ʻzeroʼ value will be treated as an ʻopeningʼ edge, and the actions set for ʻbit 0
closingʼ, will take place. The current status of the 1/4-J6 input is displayed one the menu
each time the screen is redrawn.

When a Br-SDC8 is in mode0, the entire string menu and all but four commands on

the Input Setup menu are disabled, and the trigger menu is drawn with instructions for
the multiplexer mode:

- Gilderfluke & Co. - Br-SDC Serial Device Controller - ver. 2.13 (c) 2014 DCM -
a) Pioneer CAV, b) 9600 baud, c) clear, d) save, e) string, f) 30 FPS, 9) mode
Input 0 close:1) string, 2) delay, 3) dvd start/end, 4) @end, 5) @fail, 6) kopy
G) 0 c: STRING-3 | DELAY-123,456 | DVD-123,456 / END-654,321 | @END-4 | @FAIL-5
h) 0 O:

Binary mode: 00000000b / 00h / __0

w) 8 c:
x) 8 O:
y) 9 c:
z) 9 O:
Enter Command-

Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485

Br-SDC Manual / December 30, 2013 9:24 AM / page 21 of 62