Gilderfluke&Co BR-SDC Serial Device Controller User Manual

Page 38

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1) Press the ʻdʼ key. This will bring up an explanation of what you need to do:

2) Set your modem program to receive a string of text. Give the file a name of your

choosing. Hit ʻstartʼ to begin saving text.

3) Hit any key to start the download.

4) When the download has completed, the Br-SDC will give an extra line feed and

stop sending any more data.

5) Stop your computer from saving any more text.

6) Hit any key to redraw the Br-SDC menu.

To send a configuration file to a Br-SDC, all you need to do is ʻSend a Text fileʼ from

your modem program. Select a previously saved configuration and the Br-SDC will do
the rest. After the configuration has been sent, the Br-SDC will check to see if the data
arrived OK.

- Gilderfluke & Co. - Br-SDC Serial Device Controller - ver. 2.13 (c) 2014 DCM -

Set your computer to save a stream of text to a file. The file should be 4095
bytes long. To reload this card, just send this file back to this screen.

Hit any key when ready.

Stop saving text and hit any key when the data has finished.

hit ape key to cancel-

Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485

Br-SDC Manual / December 30, 2013 9:24 AM / page 38 of 62