Ronan XSD-1000 User Manual

Page 51

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Note the above Detector Sensitivity Report has 2 entries for each detector. You can see
slight differences between the Now and the Prev values on the Test Source half of the
report (Now is the last Detector Sensitivity Check). The Delta% if the percent difference
between the Now and Prev readings. The Allow% is the allowance percentage difference
the Now and Prev readings. In the P? (Passed?) column, both detectors passed both the
Background and Test Source Checks.

If your checks produce an N value (not passed), call Ronan Service to get the detector in
question serviced. The Passed? Column has the following possibilities:

• Y = Yes, this detector passed both the current test, and the longevity test

• N = No, this detector failed the current test (Now compared to Prev)
• ? = Not enough data to evaluate this detector

• R = The detector has failed the longevity test. Contact Ronan Engineering to get this

detector Refurbished.