Agilent Technologies Quaternary Pump 1100 Series User Manual
Agilent Technologies Pumps
Table of contents
Document Outline
- 1 Installing the Pump
- 2 Optimizing Performance
- 3 Troubleshooting and Test Functions
- 4 Repairing the Pump
- 5 Parts and Materials
- 6 Introduction to the Quaternary Pump
- 7 Control Module Screens for the Quaternary Pump
- 8 Specifications
- Installing the Pump
- Site Requirements
- Power Consideration
- Power Cords
- Bench Space
- Environment
- Unpacking the Quaternary Pump
- Damaged Packaging
- Delivery Checklist
- Accessory Kit Contents—Quaternary Pump
- Optimizing the Stack Configuration
- Installing the Quaternary Pump
- Flow Connections of the Quaternary Pump
- Priming and Purging the System
- Optimizing Performance
- Hints for Successful Use of the Quaternary Pump
- Solvent Information
- Prevent Blocking of Solvent Filters
- Operational Hints for the Vacuum Degasser
- Operational Hints for the Vacuum Degasser
- Operational Hints for the Multi Channel Gradient Valve (MCGV)
- When to use the Continuous Seal Wash Option
- When to Use Alternative Seals
- Optimize the Compressibility Compensation Setting
- Troubleshooting and Test Functions
- Status Indicators
- Error Messages
- Pressure Test
- Leak Test
- Status Indicators
- Error Messages
- Timeout
- Shut-Down
- Remote Timeout
- Synchronization Lost
- Leak
- Leak Sensor Open
- Leak Sensor Short
- Compensation Sensor Open
- Compensation Sensor Short
- Fan Failed
- Open Cover
- Restart Without Cover
- Zero Solvent Counter
- Pressure Above Upper Limit
- Pressure Below Lower Limit
- Pressure Signal Missing
- Missing Pressure Reading
- Pump Configuration
- Valve Fuse
- Inlet-Valve Fuse
- Valve Failed
- Motor-Drive Power
- Encoder Missing
- Inlet-Valve Missing
- Temperature Out of Range
- Temperature Limit Exceeded
- Servo Restart Failed
- Pump Head Missing
- Index Limit
- Index Adjustment
- Index Missing
- Stroke Length
- Initialization Failed
- Wait Timeout
- Pressure Test
- Leak Test
- Description
- Running the Leak Test
- Running the test from the ChemStation
- Running the test from the Control Module
- Evaluating the Results
- No Pressure increase at Ramp 1
- Pressure limit not reached but plateaus horizontal or positive
- All plateaus negative
- First plateau positive, second and third plateau negative
- First plateau negative, second plateau positive
- Ramp 3 does not reach limit
- Third plateau negative (pressure drop > 2 bar/min)
- Repairing the Pump
- Simple Repairs
- Exchanging Internal Parts
- Cleaning the Quaternary Pump
- Using the ESD Strap
- Using the ESD Strap
- Overview
- Simple Repair Procedures
- Exchanging the Active Inlet Valve Cartridge or the Active Inlet Valve
- Removing the Active Inlet Valve
- Exchanging the Valve Cartridge
- Replacing the Active Inlet Valve
- Exchanging the Outlet Ball Valve
- Exchanging the Purge Valve Frit or the Purge Valve
- Removing and Disassembling the Pump Head Assembly
- Exchanging the Pump Seals and Seal Wear-in Procedure
- Seal Wear-in Procedure
- Exchanging the Plungers
- Installing the Continuous Seal Wash Option
- Exchanging the Wash Seals
- Reassembling the Pump Head Assembly
- Exchanging the Multi-Channel Gradient Valve (MCGV)
- Exchanging the optional Interface Board
- Exchanging Internal Parts
- Removing the Top Cover and Foam
- Exchanging the Low Pressure Pump Main Board (LPM Board)
- Entering the Type Command
- Entering the Serial Number
- Replacing the Quaternary Pump’s Firmware
- Exchanging the Damper
- Exchanging the Fan
- Exchanging the Pump Drive
- Exchanging the Power Supply
- Exchanging the Leak Sensor
- Exchanging the Status Light Pipe
- Assembling the Main Cover
- Replacing the Top Cover and Foam
- Parts and Materials
- Overview of Main Assemblies
- Control Module (B-version)
- Solvent Cabinet
- Bottle Head Assembly
- Hydraulic Path
- Cover Parts
- Sheet Metal Kit
- Foam Parts
- Power and Status Light Pipes
- Leak Parts
- Pump Head Assembly
- Pump Head Assembly with Seal Wash Option
- Outlet Ball Valve Assembly
- Purge Valve Assembly
- Active Inlet Valve Assembly
- Accessory Kit G1311-68705
- Seal Wash Option Kit 01018-68722
- Cable Overview
- Analog Cables
- Remote Cables
- Agilent 1100 to 3390 Integrators
- Agilent 1100 to 3392/3 Integrators
- Agilent 1100 to 3394 Integrators
- Agilent 1100 to 3396A Integrators
- Agilent 1100 to 3396 Series II / 3395A Integrators
- Agilent 1100 to 3396 Series III / 3395B Integrators
- Agilent 1100 to HP 1050, HP 1046A or Agilent 35900 A/D Converters
- Agilent 1100 to HP 1090 LC, HP 1040 DAD or Signal Distribution Module
- Agilent 1100 to General Purpose
- BCD Cables
- Auxiliary Cable
- CAN Cable
- External Contact Cable
- RS-232 Cable Kit
- LAN Cables
- Overview of Main Assemblies
- Introduction to the Quaternary Pump
- Introduction to the Quaternary Pump
- Overview
- How does the Pump Work?
- How Does Compressibility Compensation Work?
- How Does Variable Stroke Volume Work?
- Electrical Connections
- Instrument Layout
- Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF)
- EMF Counters
- Using the EMF Counters
- The Electronics
- The Low-Pressure Pump Main Board (LPM)
- Firmware Description
- Resident System
- Main System
- Firmware Updates
- Optional Interface Boards
- BCD Board
- LAN Board
- Agilent1100 Series Interfaces
- Analog Signal Output
- GPIB Interface
- CAN Interface
- APG Remote Interface
- RS-232C
- Setting the 8-bit Configuration Switch
- GPIB Default Addresses
- Communication Settings for RS-232C Communication
- Forced Cold-Start Settings
- Stay Resident Settings
- The Main Power Supply Assembly
- Control Module Screens for the Quaternary Pump
- Specifications
- Performance Specifications
- All Chemical Analysis Products
- Limitation of Warranty
- Limitation of Remedies and Liability
- Responsibilities of the Customer
- Responsibilities of Agilent Technologies
- General
- Operation
- Safety Symbols
- Manufacturer’s Declaration
- Flow Cell
- Solvents
- A
- accessory kit, 18
- accessory kit, degasser, 19
- active inlet valve, 103, 178
- active inlet valve drive, 210
- air flow, 141
- algae growth, 35
- alternative seal material, 39
- ambient non-operating temperature, 16
- ambient operating temperature, 16
- analog output, 255
- APG remote connector, 23, 220
- ASIC - application-specific integrated circuit, 210
- assembling the main cover, 155
- AUTO mode, 203
- AUX output, 23
- B
- C
- cable
- CAN cable, 23
- CAN interface, 219
- capillary, pump to injection device, 18
- changing solvents, 28
- ChemStation, 23
- cleaning the pump, 99
- compensation sensor open, 55
- compensation sensor short, 56
- composition precision, 254
- composition range, 254
- compressibility compensation, 40, 202, 254
- condensation, 15
- connecting tubes, 19
- connections, flow, 25
- continuous seal wash, 38, 198
- control module, 162
- counter, EMF, 207
- counter, seal wear, 207
- cover parts, 167
- D
- E
- early maintenance feedback (EMF), 206
- electrical connections
- electronic fuses, 211
- electrostatic discharge (ESD), 98
- EMF counters, 207
- EMF limits, 208
- encoder missing, 70
- environment, 14, 15
- error
- error condition, 46
- error message
- error messages, 44, 47
- compensation sensor open, 55
- compensation sensor short, 56
- encoder missing, 70
- fan failed, 57
- ignition without cover, 58
- index adjustment, 77
- index limit, 76
- index missing, 78
- initialization failed, 80
- inlet valve fuse, 67
- inlet-valve missing, 71
- leak, 52
- leak senso open, 53
- leak sensor short, 54
- missing pressure reading, 64
- motor drive power, 69
- pressure above upper limit, 61
- pressure below lower limit, 62
- pump configuration, 65
- pump head missing, 75
- selection valve failed, 63
- servo restart failed, 74
- shut-down, 49
- stroke length, 79
- synchronization lost, 50
- temperature limit exceeded, 73
- temperature out of range, 72
- timeout, 48
- errror
- ESD strap, 100
- ESD wrist strap, 18
- exchanging
- active inlet valve, 102, 103
- damper, 138
- fan, 141
- interface board, 126
- internal parts, 98, 127
- leak sensor, 152
- LPM Board, 131
- multi channel gradient valve (MCGV), 123
- outlet ball valve, 102, 106
- pistons, 102, 115
- power supply, 147
- pump drive, 143
- pump seals, 102, 112
- purge valve, 102, 108
- purge valve frit, 102, 108
- status light pipe, 154
- wash seals, 102, 116
- F
- G
- H
- I
- index adjustment, 77
- index limit, 76
- index missing, 78
- initialization, 201
- initialization failed, 80
- inlet-valve fuse, 67
- inlet-valve missing, 71
- insert tool, 119
- installation, pump module, 22
- instrument status
- interface
- interface board, 126
- interface boards, optional, 216
- interface cables, 22
- interfaces, 211
- internal parts, 127
- introduction to the pump, 198
- L
- laboratory bench, 15
- lamp
- lamp, power supply, 46
- lamp, status, 45
- LAN cables, 195
- LAN interface board, 217
- leak, 52
- leak converter, 210
- leak parts, 171
- leak sensor, 152
- leak sensor open, 53
- leak sensor short, 54
- leak test, 44, 88
- light pipe, status, 154, 170
- line frequency, 16
- line voltage, 16
- liter counter, 113
- liter counters, counter, liter, 207
- lithium battery, 263
- logbook, 47
- low pressure pump main board (LPM), 131
- low-pressure gradient, 198
- low-pressure pump main board (LPM), 210
- LPM board, 131
- M
- main assemblies, 160
- main assemblies, overview, 101
- main board, 131
- main power supply, 228
- main power supply specification, 229
- maintenance procedures, 207
- materials in contact with mobile phase, 202
- message
- missing parts, 17
- missing pressure reading, 64
- motor drive, 210
- motor-drive power, 69
- multi channel gradient valve (MCGV), 123
- N
- O
- P
- parity settings, 226
- parts
- active inlet valve, 178
- bottle head assembly, 165
- control module, 162
- cover, 167
- damaged, 17
- foam, 169
- hydraulic path, 166
- leak handling, 171
- light pipes, 170
- main assemblies, 160
- missing, 17
- outlet ball valve, 176
- pump head, 172
- pump head with seal wash, 174
- pump housing and main assemblies, 161, 162
- sheet metal kit, 168
- solvent cabinet, 164
- parts identification
- performance specification, 254
- pH range, 254
- physical specifications, 16
- piston, 32, 115, 200
- piston chamber, 199
- plateaus, leak test, 93
- power consideration, 14
- power consumption, 16
- power cords, 14
- power light pipe, 170
- power supply, 147
- power supply indicator, 46
- power supply lamp, 46
- power switch, 22
- power-input socket, 14
- prerun condition, 46
- pressure, 199
- pressure above upper limit, 61
- pressure below lower limit, 62
- pressure converter, 210
- pressure pulsation, 40, 203, 254
- pressure range, 39
- pressure sensor readings, 23
- pressure test, 44, 82
- pressure, operating range, 254
- priming
- proportioning valve, high-spped, 199
- PTFE frit, 18, 108
- PTFE lubricant, 121
- pump configuration, 65
- pump drive, 143
- pump head assembly, 172
- pump head missing, 75
- pump head with seal wash, 174
- pump piston, 32
- pump seals, 112
- purge valve, 108
- purge valve frit, 32, 108
- purging the pump, 28
- R
- rear of pump, 23
- reassembling the pump head, 121
- recommended pH range, 254
- remote
- remote interface, 220
- removing
- repairs, 102
- replacing the foam, 156
- replacing the top cover, 156
- restart without cover, 59
- results, pressure test, 86
- RS-232
- RS-232C communication settings, 224
- RS-232C connection table, 222
- RS-232C interface, 220
- run mode, 46
- running the leak test, 90
- running the pressure test, 84
- S
- safety
- safety light switch, 127, 130, 156
- sapphire piston, 200
- screwdriver pozidriv #1, 128, 138, 141, 143, 147, 152, 154, 156
- seal
- seal insert tool, 18
- seal wash, 38, 198, 199
- seal wash, when to use, 38
- seal wear counters, 207
- seal, alternative material, 39
- seals, 112
- security lever, 22, 98
- selection valve failed, 63
- serial number
- serial number change with control module, 248
- servo restart failed, 74
- setable flow range, 254
- setting
- setting the address, 224
- sheet metal kit, 168
- shipping containers, 17
- shut-down, 49
- simple repairs, 98, 102
- site requirements, 14
- snap fasteners, 25
- solvent bottle, 17
- solvent cabinet, 32, 164
- solvent filters
- solvent information, 34
- solvent inlet filters, 32
- solvent tubes, 19
- solvent tubes, degasser, 17
- sonic bath, 106
- specification
- spectrum
- stack configuration, 20
- status indicator, 44, 45
- status lamp, 45
- status light pipe, 154, 170
- stay resident settings, 226
- stroke length, 79
- stroke volume, 200, 203
- sychronization lost, 50
- syringe, 19
- syringe adapter, 19, 28
- T
- U
- V
- W
- wait timeout, 81
- wall socket, 14
- warranty
- waste tube, 18, 19
- wear-in
- weight, 16
- wide-ranging capability, 14
- wrench 1/4 inch, 84, 90, 106, 108, 110, 123, 138, 143, 147, 152
- wrench 14 mm, 103, 106, 108, 131, 147, 152
- wrench 5 mm, 131, 147, 152
- wrench 7 mm, 131, 147, 152
- wrench, 1/4 - 5/16 inch, 18
- wrench, 14 mm, 18
- Z