Accessory kit, 18, Accessory kit, degasser, 19, Active inlet valve, 103, 178 – Agilent Technologies Quaternary Pump 1100 Series User Manual

Page 267: Active inlet valve drive, 210, Air flow, 141, Algae growth, 35, Alternative seal material, 39, Ambient non-operating temperature, 16, Ambient operating temperature, 16, Analog output, 255

background image



accessory kit, 18
accessory kit, degasser, 19
active inlet valve, 103, 178
active inlet valve drive, 210
air flow, 141
algae growth, 35
alternative seal material, 39
ambient non-operating temperature, 16
ambient operating temperature, 16
analog output, 255
APG remote connector, 23, 220
ASIC - application-specific integrated

circuit, 210

assembling the main cover, 155
AUTO mode, 203
AUX output, 23

ball-screw drive, 200
battery, 211, 263
baudrate setting, 225
BCD board, 126, 216
bench space, 15
blank nut, 84
blockage, 69
board connectors, 132
bottle, 17
bottle head assembly, 17, 165
buffer, 198
buffer application, 32
buffer solution, 123, 198


CAN, 18, 23
GPIB, 23
interface, 22
power, 17
remote, 18
signal, 18

CAN cable, 23
CAN interface, 219
capillary, pump to injection device, 18
changing solvents, 28
ChemStation, 23
cleaning the pump, 99
compensation sensor open, 55

compensation sensor short, 56
composition precision, 254
composition range, 254
compressibility compensation, 40, 202,


condensation, 15
connecting tubes, 19
connections, flow, 25
continuous seal wash, 38, 198
control module, 162

EMF, 245
firmware update, 246
serial number change of MWD, 248
tests, 251

counter, EMF, 207
counter, seal wear, 207
cover parts, 167

damaged parts, 17
damper, 138
damping unit, 138
data bit settings, 225
default address settings, 224
degasser, 17
delay volume, 20, 202
delivery checklist, 17
description, leak test, 88
description, pressure test, 82
dimensions, 16
disassembling the pump head assem-

bly, 110

dual piston in-series design, 199

early maintenance feedback (EMF),


electrical connections

descriptions of, 204

electronic fuses, 211
electrostatic discharge (ESD), 98

on control module, 245

EMF counters, 207
EMF limits, 208
encoder missing, 70
environment, 14, 15

zero solvent counter, 60

error condition, 46
error message

wait timeout, 81

error messages, 44, 47

compensation sensor open, 55
compensation sensor short, 56
encoder missing, 70
fan failed, 57
ignition without cover, 58
index adjustment, 77
index limit, 76
index missing, 78
initialization failed, 80
inlet valve fuse, 67
inlet-valve missing, 71
leak, 52
leak senso open, 53
leak sensor short, 54
missing pressure reading, 64
motor drive power, 69
pressure above upper limit, 61
pressure below lower limit, 62
pump configuration, 65
pump head missing, 75
selection valve failed, 63
servo restart failed, 74
shut-down, 49
stroke length, 79
synchronization lost, 50
temperature limit exceeded, 73
temperature out of range, 72
timeout, 48


unknown error 2055, 60

ESD strap, 100
ESD wrist strap, 18

active inlet valve, 102, 103
damper, 138
fan, 141
interface board, 126
internal parts, 98, 127
leak sensor, 152
LPM Board, 131
multi channel gradient valve

(MCGV), 123

outlet ball valve, 102, 106