3 [database] section, 4 downloading a file, 1 download selectivity – Micromod Micro-DCI: 53HC2600 LoopMaster SL6000 CONFIGURATION TOOLKIT User Manual

Page 60: 5 strategy assistant start base file

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52 Advanced Topics

6.3.3 [Database] Section

The third section in the .S6D file holds the configuration database in Intel Hex format. Each line begins
with a colon (:) and has the following format:

It is not advisable to edit the [Database] section.

6.4 Downloading A File

The process of downloading a file to a target controller requires two steps:


Open and load the file into PC memory.


Send the contents of memory to the target controller.

Both of these operations are encapsulated in the Download to Controller dialog window.

6.4.1 Download Selectivity

By default, LoopMaster omits database analog calibration constants and communications parameters from
a normal download.

Calibration constants are not downloaded because they are controller specific. In rare circumstances, you
may wish to download the calibration constants. To send the calibration constants, you must specifically
check the Include Calibrations box in the Download to Controller dialog box.

LoopMaster always omits the communication parameters (IA, BAUD, DLE, DLP and DLS) from a down-
load. This insures that communications remain intact through the entire download. These parameters
may be changed by selecting SYS (System Function Block) from the Control Strategy Window. If the com-
munications parameters are changed, they must be done one at a time because every time a communica-
tions parameter is changed, communications drop. There is no preferred order to changing
communications parameters.

When a .S6D configuration file is uploaded from the controller, values for all of the parameters are trans-

6.5 Strategy Assistant Start Base File

Whenever you choose a strategy from the Strategy Assistant dialog window, a file is loaded. By default,
this file is called START.S6D. All parameters except calibration constants, communication parameters,