5 uploading a controller configuration to a file – Micromod Micro-DCI: 53HC2600 LoopMaster SL6000 CONFIGURATION TOOLKIT User Manual
Page 51

Online Configurations 43
The SL6000.cn1.Output1 dialog shows the Output Parameters. The yellow box is an
interactive training screen, and the parameters are shown in the Output Parameters section
below it. The interactive training screens explain the meaning of each parameter, then prompt
you for an action to configure it.
The first screen explains the RSW reverse switch. Notice in the Output Parameters section,
the RSW box is checked. Click No and you’ll see the RSW box become unchecked.
The next screen states RSV (reverse valve) can invert the output signal. Click Yes to invert
the output and watch the RSV box become checked.
The next screen explains the OH (output high) parameter. In this screen, an edit box and a
Next button appear because you are prompted to enter a value. Double-click in this edit box
and type in the value 90. Click Next. The OH parameter changes from 100.0 to 90.0.
The next screen explains the OL parameter and displays its current value in the edit box. We
will accept this value and click Next.
Since HML is a switch, the Yes and No buttons appear again. Answering Yes turns HML on,
while No sets HML to off. Click Yes.
For the next three screens, accept the current values by clicking Next in each screen.
You’ve reached the end of the training screens. The training screens only write values into the
dialog, so you must click OK to write your changes into the controller database or click Cancel
to abandon any changes made through the training screens.
Click OK and all the changes made in this dialog are written into the controller database.
10. In the Control Scheme dialog window, click Close.
Interactive training screens read their text from the LMTRAIN.TXT file. This file must be located in the
same subdirectory as LOOPMSTR.EXE. A dialog that uses training screens loads all its training screen text
just before the dialog is displayed. This file has the same format as a standard Windows .INI file.
The interactive training screens explain parameters in plain language and provide a step-by-step method
of configuring parameters. Once you become familiar with Micro-DCI terminology, you can edit parame-
ters directly in the dialog.
4.5 Uploading a Controller Configuration To a File
After a controller is configured online, you can preserve the configuration for future use by uploading it to a
file. A controller configuration can be uploaded at anytime from any controller on the DataLnk; therefore,
the Upload dialog requires an instrument address (0-31) to identify the configuration source, as well as a
file name (filename.S6D) that is assigned to the configuration. An instrument address is required even
for controllers connected directly to a personal computer.
To initiate an upload sequence, click on the Upload toolbar button.
Upload toolbar button.