1 using the interactive training screens online, Figure 4-12. control scheme dialog window, Figure 4-13. sl6000.cn1.output1 dialog window – Micromod Micro-DCI: 53HC2600 LoopMaster SL6000 CONFIGURATION TOOLKIT User Manual
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42 Online Configurations Using the Interactive Training Screens Online
As in offline operation, the LoopMaster interactive training screens enable you to configure a controller
database online while you learn about the parameters. These screens explain parameters in plain lan-
guage and provide step-by-step instructions on how to configure the Micro-Mite controller.
In this section, we will use the interactive training screens to configure the control output.
Click on the C Scheme button to open the Control Scheme dialog. This dialog shows the
selected control scheme, control switches, and a graphical representation of the Control
Scheme block (Fig).
Since the current control scheme is Single Loop Control, only the cn1 loop is shown. To
configure the control output of cn1, click on Output1. The SL6000.cn1.Output1 dialog window
) is displayed.
Figure 4-12. Control Scheme Dialog Window
Figure 4-13. SL6000.cn1.Output1 Dialog Window