Create a new batch from an existing protocol, Create a new batch from a new protocol, Create a new batch from an existing – Luminex xPONENT 3.1 Rev 2 (IVD) User Manual

Page 89: Protocol, Create a new, Batch from an existing protocol

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You can group batches together as a multi-batch. Multi-batches can consist of any number of
batches that have been set up from different protocols and are processed consecutively.
Multi-batches can only be run on one plate.

Protocols are provided on CD as part of your assay kit. Protocols typically include assay
standards, controls, and maintenance commands (such as washes or primes to acquire
along with samples). Assay reagents are included in assay kits. You must provide information
about these reagents, such as lot numbers and concentration values for the standards and
assay controls.


Human and animal samples may contain biohazardous
infectious agents. Where exposure (including aerosol) to
potentially biohazardous material exists, follow appropriate
biosafety procedures and use personal protective equipment,
such as gloves, gowns, laboratory coats, face shields, or mask
and eye protection, and ventilation devices. Observe all local,
state, and federal biohazard handling regulations when
disposing of biohazardous waste material.

When setting up a batch, if the number of samples exceeds the wells in one microtiter plate,
you can add additional plates in the Add and Change Plate secondary window. Additional
plates are identified on the bottom of the plate image as Plate a of b, where a is the plate
number and b is the total number of plates.

Create a New Batch from an Existing Protocol

Read the instructions provided with the assay kit you are using.

1. Open the Batches page.

2. Click Create a New Batch from an existing Protocol.

3. Type the batch name in the Batch Name box.

4. Type a description about the batch in the Enter Optional Description box.

5. Click a protocol you wish to use in the Select a Protocol list. If the protocol uses

standards and/or controls, view the active reagents.

6. Click Next. If the protocol uses standards and/or controls, the next tab that appears is the

Stds & Ctrls tab. Otherwise, the Plate Layout tab appears. View the details of the active
reagents or apply different assay standards/controls or manually enter new information.
Select Next.

7. On the Plate Layout tab, assign well commands for this batch. See

Plate Layout Tab


a complete description of the commands and options on this tab.

8. Click Run Batch to begin batch acquisition, or click Save to save batch information to the

Pending Batch list to be run at a later time.

NOTE: If the batch spans more than one plate, the tray ejects automatically

when all defined wells have been acquired. A dialog box displays
prompting you to insert the next plate.

Create a New Batch from a New Protocol

This option creates a new batch to acquire data without using an existing protocol. It writes
raw data results to a simple ".csv" file format. You can define parameters for samples, gates,
regions, events, and commands.

For In Vitro Diagnostic Use

Using the Software