Luminex xPONENT 3.1 Rev 2 (IVD) User Manual
Page 72

Create User Account Screen
This tab contains the following:
User ID - Type a user ID in this box. The user ID is not case-sensitive. You can change the
required number of characters on the User Setup tab. Once you create and delete a user ID,
you cannot use that user ID again in the future.
User - Type the user’s name.
Account Status check box - Select this check box to lock the account. Clear this check box
to unlock the account. When an account is locked, the check box is selected.
Group Profile list - Select Administrator, Supervisor, Service, Technician2, Technician1,
or Reviewer.
Password - Type a unique password for the user in this box.
Reenter Password - This becomes active when you type a password in the Password box.
Type the password again in the Reenter Password box to confirm it.
Change password after next login - Requires the user to change the password after the
first login. This check box is enabled by default.
Save - Saves and returns to User Setup.
Cancel - Returns to User Setup without saving.
Global User Settings - This section contains the following:
• Password Expiration - Type a length of time in days. The default is 180 days.
• Unsuccessful Login Attempts - The default number of allowed unsuccessful logins is
three attempts.
• Automatic Logoff - (seconds) - How many seconds pass until an automatic logoff.
3.1 Rev. 2 Software User Manual
For In Vitro Diagnostic Use