Archive tab – Luminex xPONENT 3.1 Rev 2 (IVD) User Manual
Page 75

Use US regionalization format only - Exports data only in US regionalization format.
Include Advanced Statistics - Exports advanced statistics in the CSV file.
CSV Export Folder and Automatically Exported Batch File - Displays the path and
location where the CSV file or automatically exported batch file will be exported. Click
Browse to change the file export location.
Automatically convert the raw run files to CSV format for each well in the batch -
Automatically converts raw run files to CSV format for each well in the batch. This option
creates a CSV formatted file for the raw bead data of each well.
Test Sort Order - Defines a method to sort the test data. The options are By Analyte Name,
By Region ID, or By Setup Order.
Cancel - Cancels changes.
Save - Saves changes.
Archive Tab
Use this tab to set options for backing up and restoring files.
Archive Tab
This tab contains the following:
Archive - Use this section to define archive locations for specific file types.
• File Type - Choose from Protocols, Batches, Std/Ctrl Kits, Lots, Patient Samples, or
Log. The selected information appears in the list below the Archive Folder path.
• Keep data after archive - Retains data instead of deleting after you archive it.
For In Vitro Diagnostic Use
Touring the Software