Luminex xPONENT for MAGPIX 4.2 User Manual

Page 104

background image

Plate Image - This is a representation of the plate. Each well appears as a circle on the

grid. Well commands appear in the appropriate circles as you assign them to wells on the
plate. The Plate Navigation section in the lower right part of the window can be used to
display all the wells in the plate image. Click and drag in the Plate Navigation box to
display different portions of the plate.

Command Sequence - Contains the command sequence for the active plate. The list

includes all active wells, the type of command (Unknown, Standard, Control, Background,
or assigned maintenance command), ID, and dilution factor. Double-click the ID field to
type an ID. Double-click the Dilution field to type a dilution factor.

NOTE: A command’s ID and Dilution fields have a blue border around them

if they can be double clicked to type information.

Move Command - These arrows move a selected command up or down in the Command

Sequence list, changing the acquisition order.

Import List - Opens the Open dialog box to import an existing command sequence list.

Replicate Count - Defines a quantity of replicate sets from one to nine.

Grouping - Selects the sequence in which the replicates are laid out in plate wells. The

options are:

123123123. . . Lays out one of each replicate set at a time in numerical order

111222333. . . Lays out all the replicates in a set before moving on to the next set in

numerical order

You can assign the following well commands. Each command is associated with a color. You
can click and drag to highlight a series of wells, click a column or row header to highlight the
entire column or row, or simply click and highlight different wells and then click a command
below to assign that command to all the highlighted wells.

Unknown (U): Yellow

Background (B): Purple

Control (C): Red

Standard (S): Green

The Delete and Start at Well commands are also available to assign as well commands.
Delete removes the well command for the selected well. The Start at Well command enables
you to begin acquisition at a well other than A1.

NOTE: You should first delete all standards from the plate layout if any of

the standards need to be rearranged, and all controls from the plate
layout if any of the controls need to be rearranged.

NOTE: Wells and routine names you assign to the protocol plate layout are

saved into the protocol settings. The routine itself must exist on the
instrument. Standards and controls associated with a given protocol
typically remain constant, while the number of unknown wells often
vary. You can assign a specific number of unknown wells to the plate
when setting up a batch.

Commands and Routines - Assigns maintenance commands and routines to a well after
you select it in the Command Sequence area.

Protocols Page