Luminex 100 User Manual Version 1.7 User Manual
Page 57

MAP Technology
Data Acquisition
PN 89-00002-00-063 Rev. A
6 - 7
2. Select the template that you want to use for this session and click
OK. If the template already contains a beadmap (or MAP), the
template defaults to that MAP. If you have not yet selected a
beadmap, this Choose Bead Map dialog box opens:
Figure 6-9. Choose Bead Map Dialog Box
Select the MAP you want to use and click OK. The 100 Region,
50 Region, and 25 Region MAPs are the standard MAPs for
multiple analyte data collection. The Calibrator MAP is available
for system diagnostics. Use the Development MAP only with
development microspheres. Use the NoRegion MAP for system
diagnostics only.
3. In the save current settings dialog box, Type the name of the
session in the New folder field. Select the folder in which you
want to create the session, then click OK.
Figure 6-10. Save Current Settings Dialog Box