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more dynamic range with no loss of resolution than could be achieved with a 6-
digit scale factor only.
A constant adder to the displayed reading. This may be any value from
-999,999 to 999,99. The offset may be used as a preset in the totalize mode,
where the total can be counted down from the preset to zero.
Peak display The maximum (or most positive) reading since that value was last reset. Reset
can be via the meter front panel, an external input, or a software command.
The displayed value can reflect the filtered or unfiltered readings.
The time of one complete cycle of the input frequency. A scale factor of 1 and
multiplier of 1 produce a display in microseconds.
Phase angle The lead or lag in degrees between two AC signals of the same frequency.
With the signals applied to Channels A and B of the dual input signal condi-
tioner, phase angle can be displayed from -180° to +180° with resolution to
Voltage waveshapes with leading and trailing edges that are detected for deter-
mination of frequency, period or time. With the quadrature signal conditioner,
the menu item Pulses is used to set the number of pulses generated by a
quadrature encoder for each zero index pulse. This setting is equal to the
number of pulses per revolution of the encoder (times 2 or 4 if the count by 2 or
4 is selected on the signal conditioner) times the scale factor.
Process signal
An analog signal whose display requires setup of scale and offset for display in
engineering units (such as psi). The process receiver & totalizer signal condi-
tioner accepts 0-1 mA, 4-20 mA or 0-10 V process signals.
A quadrature encoder generates 2 signals that are 90° out of phase based on
the position of a rotor or linear scale. The phase relationship of these signals
depends on the direction of rotation of the encoder. The meter counts up or
down depending on the phase. Quadrature is used for very accurate determi-
nation of length or position.
Same as frequency, except that a scale factor and multiplier have been applied
to convert the reading in Hz to a reading in engineering units, such as RPM.
Remote Display
A display mode which allows the meter to serve as a 6-digit remote display
when connected to a computer or other meter via a serial communications link.
Two types of Reset are applicable to counter/timer operation:
Peak and Valley Reset. Achieved by simultaneously pressing the RESET
and PEAK keys.
Latched Alarm Reset. Achieved by simultaneously pressing the RESET and
ALARMS keys.
A menu item which controls the resolution of arithmetic functions (A+B, A-B,
AxB, A/B, A/B-1) of Grand Total in batch mode. It multiplies the displayed value
by a factor of 0.00001 to 100,000 in decade steps. The decimal point then has
to be moved appropriately.