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Example of Using OCV of 0 to 2.000 for setting Analog Output
4 mA output is desired for Power Factor of -0.4 (OCV = 0.400).
20 mA output is desired for Power Factor of +0.4 (OCV = 2.000 - 0.4 = 1.600).
Set up as follows: deC.Pt to 111.111, AnSEt to 21, An_Lo to +0.400 (4 mA point), An_Hi
to +1.600 (20 mA point), dEC.Pt as desired to 111.111, 1111.11 or 11111.1
Example of Using OCV of 0 to 2.000 for setting the Alarm Setpoints
It is desired to operate Relay1 when the Power Factor falls outside of ±0.75 display range
(or outside of 0.750 to 1.250 OCV range).
Set up as follows: ConFig to x1xx to take meter out of Power Factor, dEC.Pt to 111.111,
SEtPt1 to 1.000, AL_SEt to 00000, dEUtn1 to 0.250 to activate Relay1 above 1.250 and
below 0.750, dEC.Pt as desired to 111.111, 1111.11 or 11111.1 . Return meter to Power
Factor mode by setting ConFig to x2xx
Application: Measure “on” period of perio-
dic pulses as a % of total period with .01%
resolution over a time interval of 100 sec.
Solution: Duty cycle requires the Extended
counter. Apply the same signal to
Channels A & B. Set Input to “Duty Cycle
(A to B) / A.” The native counts will be in
percent. For a positive “on” pulse, set
trigger slope to positive for A and negative
for B. Select the coordinates of 2 points
scaling method. Set Hi In1 to 1.00000
(percent) and Hi Rd1 to 1.00 (percent). As
an alternative, select the scale and offset
scaling method. Then simply select a scale
value of 1.00000 and a multiplier of 100.
1/RATE MODE FOR TIMING (Extended Counter)
An example of 1/Rate is the time it takes an item takes to travel through an oven at a
measured rate. Like Rate, 1/Rate can be scaled using Scale1 and Offset1. With no offset
and Scale1 set to 1, Rate A for the full analog input range will be displayed as 0-100000,
and 1/A will be displayed as 1000000/A. Both the A and 1/A readings are multiplied by
Scale1 and offset by Offset1. With Scale1 set to 1, A is displayed as 10000, and 1/A is
displayed as 100. With Scale1 set to 2, A is displayed as 20000, and 1/A is displayed as
200. If square root extraction is applied to rate, the rate display A is replaced by √Ā, and
1/A is replaced by 1/√Ā. 1/A does not apply to custom curves.
Scaling may also be done by using the coordinates of 2 points method, which auto-
matically calculates scale and offset for the displayed value when the low and high input
signals and the corresponding desired low and high displayed values are entered.