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• The Readings pull-down menu provides three formats to display meter data on the PC
monitor. Use the Pause and Continue buttons to control the timing of data collection, then
press Print for a hardcopy record on your PC printer.
- List presents the latest readings in a 20-row by 10-column table. Press Pause at any
time to freeze the display. This is one method to capture peak readings.
- Plot generates a plot of readings vs. time in seconds. It effectively turns the DPM-PC
combination into a printing digital oscilloscope.
- Graph generates a histogram, where the horizontal axis is the reading and the vertical
axis is the number of occurrences of readings. The display continually resizes itself as
the number of readings increases.
• The Jumpers pull-down menu shows board jumper corresponding to specific user selec-
• The Calibration pull-down menu allows easy frequency calibration of the quartz crystal.
Simply apply a known calibration frequency up to 1 MHz to Channel A of the dual channel
signal conditioner board, type in the frequency value in Hz, and press Enter.
Instrument Setup software is also of benefit when the
PC is not connected to a meter.
Upon launching the software, click on None for
Communications, then on Counter/Timer and Series
2. Click on File => Default Setup to retrieve a default
setup file from disk, or on File => Open Setup to
retrieve a previously saved setup file from disk.
To enter new setup information, click on View =>
Setup, then make your screen selections as if you
were connected to a meter. Tabs will be grayed out if
you have not selected the required hardware under
the Input+Display tab. When done, press on Main
Menu, then on View => Menu. The selections made
under Setup will now be shown in the form of the
required front panel programming sequence, where
each row corresponds to a menu item selected by
key, and the seven data columns correspond
to values entered via the and keys.
Click on any step in the sequence to bring up a
detailed help window.
Click on Print for a hardcopy, which you can then
use as an instruction sheet to program your meter
via its front panel.
Click on Main Menu => File => Save Setup As to
save your setup to disk and have an electronic