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Application: Measure the closing time of a
relay in msec to 0.001 msec resolution.

Solution: To close the relay, apply the
same positive voltage to the relay coil and
to meter Channel A. Wire the relay so that
0V is applied across Channel B when the
contacts are closed. Set Input to “Stop-
watch A to B.” Select a positive trigger
slope for A and a negative trigger slope for
B. Under Config, set Display Mode to sec.
Set Gate Time to 0.01 sec. Select the
coordinates of 2 points scaling method for
Item #1. Set DecPt1 to 3 places. Set Hi In1
to 1.00000 (sec) and Hi Rd1 to 999.999
(msec). Ignore Item #2, which is not used.

TIME INTERVAL A TO B (A_to_b) measures time between periodic inputs on Channels

A and B. Timing starts when a pulse is applied to Channel A (positive edge if slope A is 0,
negative edge if slope A is 1), and ends when a pulse is applied to Channel B (positive
edge if slope B is 0, negative edge if slope B is 1). Pulse width may be measured by tying
inputs A and B together and selecting a positive or negative edge to start (Slope A) and
the opposite polarity edge to stop (Slope B). If multiple start and stop pulses occur during
the gate time, the displayed value is the average of pulse widths. The value is updated at
the end of each gate time. With a scale factor of 1, one count is one microsecond.

INVERSE TIME INTERVAL (__1/Ab) (Extended counter)

Takes the inverse of time interval for a reading in /second. For example, if the average
time interval for object to travel from point A to point B is 5 seconds, the inverse time
interval would be 0.2/sec. For the average speed of the objects, simply apply a scale
factor equal to the distance separating the two points, such as 7 (inches). Speed would
then be displayed as 7 x 0.2 = 1.4 (inches/sec). For a 6-digit reading, apply a scale
multiplier of 10,000 and move the decimal point.

STOPWATCH A TO A (A_to_A) measures time between the same positive (or negative)

edge of start and stop pulses applied to Channel A. Single event times may be displayed
as Item #1 in decimal seconds, minutes or hours, or in HH:MM:SS clock format. Time is
reset to 0 when a new start pulse occurs. Accumulated total time may be displayed as
Item #2. With a scale factor of 1, one count is one microsecond.

STOPWATCH A TO B (A_to_B) measures time between a start pulse on Channel A and

a stop pulse on Channel B. Timing is the same as for A to A, except that positive or
negative edges may be selected separately for Channels A and B. This allows the pulse
width measurement of single pulses by tying Channels A and B together. One slope is
selected to start timing, and the opposite slope to stop timing.