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Custom ASCII protocol

A simplified, short protocol for use with panel meters, counters and timers. It

allows 31 digital addresses. Not an industry-standard protocol, like the more
complex Modbus protocol, which is also offered with these instruments.

Custom curve

A user-specified nonlinear relationship between the input signal and displayed

reading. Custom curve linearization is available with the Extended counter. One
way to supply the data is via a text file with up to 180 data points, which is
processed on a PC using furnished software and is then downloaded into
EEPROM via serial communications.


A programmable threshold in units of flow applicable to Total and Batch Control

with the process receiver and totalizer signal conditioner. Flow rates below the
cutoff, deemed to be zero offset errors, will not be totalized. Otherwise, small
zero offset errors could result in a large error if accumulated over a long time.

Deviation band

A band in counts which controls relay action

symmetrically around a setpoint. The relay
actuates when the reading falls within the
deviation band, and de-actuates when the
reading falls outside of this band. A deviation
limit (e.g., 50 counts) is set up around both
sides of the setpoint to create a deviation
band (e.g., 100 counts). Setting up a pass-
band around a setpoint is often used for
component testing. Deviation limits are pro-
grammed by entering menu item dEUn1b for Alarm 1 and dEUn2b for Alarm 2.

Duty cycle

ON or OFF period of square waves as a percentage of total period over a gate
which is selectable from 10 ms to 199.99 sec. With the dual input signal
conditioner, the same signal is applied to Channels A and B. Duty cycle can
then be read out with resolution to 0.01%.

Extended counter

A counter with an enhanced microcomputer main board that provides added

capabilities, such as custom curve linearization of nonlinear inputs and display
of rate of change from successive readings.


Rate in cycles per second or Hertz (Hz). In rate meter mode, a scale factor of 1
and offset of 0 cause a display directly in Hertz with resolution of 1 Hz. To
increase or decrease resolution, increase or decrease the scale factor.

Function reset

A rear panel input which resets Peak, Valley and any latched alarms. Latching

is achieved by tying the input to logic ground or applying 0V (logic level true).
Reset is achieved by opening the input or applying +5V (logic level false).

Gate Time

A user-specified time interval from 10 ms to 199.99 sec over which the meter

measures frequency. The meter times an integral number of signal periods
over the gate time, and then taking the inverse of period. The display update
rate of the meter is gate time + 1 period + 30 ms. Selecting a longer gate time