Installation guide, Bacnet programming information – GE Industrial Solutions AMP1H5 User Manual
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The AMP1H5 is programmable via BACnet protocol and can easily be connected to a BACnet MS/TP network using an off-the shelf BACnet router. It uses five types of BACnet
objects. A standard PICS (below) describes the required characteristics of the BACnet implementation, but this additional descriptive context may be helpful to the integrator.
In addition to the required properties, the device object utilizes some optional properties to support other functionality, Time Synchronization (primarily used for data/trend
logging on the device) and Description and Location properties to simplify installation and maintenance. Configure all of the meter’s functions, other than data logging and
writable Device Properties, by writing the Present_Value of the 11 Analog_Value objects. These values (except for the configuration register, AV1, which always returns zero
when read) are all readable and stored in nonvolatile memory so that they are retained if power to the device is interrupted.
Data values other than log information and alerts are all accessed by reading the Present_Value of the 52 Analog_Input objects. Most of these values are instantaneous
readings of measured service parameters. Some of them, (AI1, AI26, AI27, AI37-AI45, AI47, AI50 and AI51) represent accumulated values and are stored in nonvolatile memory
as well. If power to the device is interrupted, these values are retained, but no additional information accumulates until the device completes its re-initialization.
Alerts are used to indicate conditions of potential concern to the installer or the system, such as input voltage or current on any phase that exceeds the meter’s measurement
range, phase voltage below the Phase Loss Threshold set by the user, or Power Factor below 0.5 on any phase. Alerts are accessible individually by reading the Present_Value
of the 15 Binary_Input objects or as a group by reading the Present_Value of Analog_Input object 52. Alerts are not latched and do not generate events to system. They
indicate presence of these conditions at the time they are read, but the device does not latch and store them until they are read (if the condition changes before they are read,
the alert will go away).
All Analog_Value, Analog_Input, and Binary_Input objects implement the reliability property and use it to indicate that the Present_Value properties are functional, valid
and current. For complete assurance, check the Reliabilty property for a No_Fault_Detected status before reading the Present_Value of any AV, AI or BI objects.
The AMP1H5 data logging capability is implemented using three Trend_Log objects. These are described in more detail in the section on data logging.
BACnet Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS)
January 1, 2013
Vendor Name:
GE Industrial Solutions
Product Name:
AMP1H5 Energy Meter
Product Model Number:
Applications Software Version:
Firmware Revision:
BACnet Protocol Revision:
Product Description:
3-phase electrical energy meter
BACnet Standardized Device Profile (Annex L): BACnet Application Specific Controller (B-ASC)
List all BACnet Interoperability Building Blocks Supported (Annex K): DS-RP-B, DS-RPM-B, DS-WP-B, DM-DDB-B, DM-DOB-B, DM-DCC-B, T-VMT-I-B, DM-TS-B
Segmentation Capability: Segmentation not supported
Standard Object Types Supported: No dynamic Creation or Deletion supported; no proprietary properties or object types
1. Device Object:
Optional Properties Supported: Max_Master, Max_Info_Frames, Description, Location, Local_Time, Local_Date
Writable Properties: Object_Identifier, Object_Name, Max_Master, Location
Property Range Restrictions: Object_Identifier – May only write values from 1 to 4,193,999; Location – (limited to 64 characters); Max_Master – May only write
values from 1 to 127
2. Analog_Input Objects:
Optional Properties Supported: Description, Reliability
No Writable Properties.