SENA Rhio10 User Manual

Page 88

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Description : Used to send the command to set/clear the MACRO of an input port

Function Prototype :

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool RHIO_SndCmd_SetMACRO

(SRHIOSetting sSetData, int iPortNum);

Parameter :

SRHIOSetting sSetData : Data to set

SRHIOSetting.sInput.eMacro : Flag to determine to set or clear


SRHIOSetting.sInput.cMacro : MACRO string

int iPortNum : Input port number to set

Return : TRUE if successful, False if failed.

Parameter when reaction event is received :


: Command transfer status Flag (ESF_SET_MACRO)


: Control status flag of the command (False if Time Out Error)

(0x30:Normal operation, 0x39:Abnormal operation, 0x31:Not the Set Mode, 0x32:Not set)

eg. :

In case of Set command :

SRHIOSetting sSetData;

sSetData.sInput.eMacro = ESOF_SETTING;

memset(sSetData.sInput.cMacro, '\0', sizeof(sSetData.sInput.cMacro));

memcpy(sSetData.sInput.cMacro, "O2&O4|I1", 8);

RHIO_SndCmd_SetMACRO(sSetData, 1);

In case of Set Clear command :

SRHIOSetting sSetData;

sSetData.sInput.eMacro = ESOF_CLEAR;

RHIO_SndCmd_SetMACRO(sSetData, 1);