SENA Rhio10 User Manual
Page 68
Connect the other end of the cable to the serial port of user’s computer.
Slide Data/Console switch to Console side.
Figure B-2. Data/Console switch of the RHIO10
Run a terminal emulator program such as HyperTerminal. Set up the serial configuration
parameters of the terminal emulation program as follows:
9600 Baud rate, Data bits 8, Parity None, Stop bits 1, Hardware flow control
1) Press [ENTER] key.
2) Type the user name and password to log into the RHIO10.
A factory default setting of the
user name and password are both admin.
3) If the user logged into the RHIO10 successfully, command prompt screen will appear on the
computer as shown in Figure B-3.
login: admin
password: *****
Type 'help' to get command usages
> help
set group par1 [par2 ...] +
- group = 'ip','host', or 'admin'
- par1 ... = configuration parameters. Use * to keep a parameter's value
get [group] +
- group = 'ip','host', 'admin' or 'status'
- If group is specified, shows settings of the group.
- If group is omitted, shows settings of all groups.
factorydefault [option] +
- if option is omitted, all parameters are set with factory default values.
- if option='-ip',
all parameters except IP settings are set with factory default values.
help [group] +
- If group is omitted, shows this screen.
- If group is specified, shows 'set' command usage of the group.
save +