Grain Systems PNEG-1851 User Manual
Page 62

Chapter 7: The Continuous Flow Drying Process
IMPORTANT: To stop the dryer when connected remotely, click Stop Dryer from the main menu.
However, once stopped, you cannot restart it remotely. The dryer can only be
restarted on-site.
2. From the menu pane, click Control→Moisture Control Settings.
3. Set the following parameters:
Unload Speeds Entered in — The units of measure (bushels or metric tons per hour, or metering
roll speed %) that the unload speed values are entered in.
NOTE: The units of measure selection (bushels or metric tons per hour) that is displayed in this field
is dependent on the chosen system of measurement (System→Preferences→Units of
Reference Moisture — The grain’s target moisture value. This setpoint is the reference parameter
that is used to determine your dryer’s unload rate.
Inner Moisture Offset — The large moisture offset, used to obtain the pair of moisture values that
are furthest from the reference moisture. One value is equal to reference moisture minus this offset,
whereas the other is equal to the reference moisture plus this offset.
Outer Moisture Offset — The large moisture offset, used to obtain the pair of moisture values that
are furthest from the reference moisture. One value is equal to reference moisture minus this offset,
whereas the other is equal to the reference moisture plus this offset.
Reference Speed — The metering roll’s setpoint (or reference) speed. This is the only true speed
parameter that you set; the others are offsets of this value.
Inner Speed Offset — The small speed offset, used to obtain the pair of speed values that are clos-
est to the reference speed. One value is equal to reference speed minus this offset, whereas the
other is equal to the reference speed plus this offset.
Outer Speed Offset — The large speed offset, used to obtain the pair of speed values that are fur-
thest from the reference speed. One value is equal to reference speed minus this offset, whereas the
other is equal to the reference speed plus this offset.
Let’s assume that you enter the following values: a reference moisture level (M3) of 15%; an inner moisture
offset (M2, M4) of 1%; an outer moisture offset (M1, M5) of 3%; a reference speed (S3) of 50%; an inner
speed offset (S2, S4) of 5%; an outer speed offset (S1, S5) of 10%.
When the grain’s actual moisture content is at 15% (M3), the metering rolls turn at the reference speed of
50% (S3). If the moisture content rises to 16% (M4), the metering roll speed decreases to 45% (S2). If the
grain’s moisture continues to climb to 18% (M5), the metering roll speed decreases to 40% (S1), thus
allowing the grain to remain in the drying chamber longer. When the grain’s moisture content drops back
below 18%, the metering roll speed starts to increase back to the reference speed setpoint.
After You Finish
Now that the control scheme is set, complete the procedure on drying grain in continuous flow mode (see
Drying Grain in Continuous Flow, page 57
PNEG-1851 Vision N2