Grain Systems PNEG-1851 User Manual
Page 105

Appendix D: List of Parameters
Burner Mode (System>Dry Advanced)
Burner — The type of burner mode that is used to control and maintain a uniform plenum temperature.
The available burner modes are the following:
• High/low: Depending on the plenum temperature, the burner toggles between high fire and low fire.
• On/off: Depending on the plenum temperature, the burner toggles between high fire and shutting off.
• Auto: The burner operates in either high/low mode or on/off mode.
Burner Differential (System>Dry Advanced)
Burner Differential — The offset from the target temperature that establishes the minimum and maximum
plenum setpoint limits. When these limits are attained, the burner’s reaction is dependent on the chosen
burner mode.
Fan Delay (System>Cool Advanced)
Fan Delay — The delay between each fan activation. The fan delay is only available in a multiple-fan
Minimum/Maximum Unload Speeds (System>Unload Advanced)
Unload Speeds Entered in — The units of measure (bushels or metric tons per hour, or metering roll
speed %) that the minimum and maximum unload speeds are entered in.
Maximum Speed — The metering roll speed’s upper limit. Unload speeds cannot exceed this value.
Minimum Speed — The metering roll speed’s lower limit. Unload speeds cannot be less than this value.
Cleanout Delay (System>Unload Advanced)
Cleanout Delay — The length of time that the unload auger and the auxiliary unloading equipment con-
tinue to run once the metering rolls stop. When the dryer is stopped and the cleanout delay is counting
down, pressing Stop on the control panel stops the cleanout delay.
Staged Batch Counter (System>Unload Advanced)
Total Batch Count — The total number of batches tallied from the last batch counter reset. Available only
in staged batch mode, a batch is the quantity of grain that is discharged in one unloading operation.
Dry Grain Counter (System>Unload Advanced)
Total Dry Grain Count — The total count of dry grain tallied from the last grain counter reset. The total
count also includes that from the staged batch counter.
Unload Speed Calibration (System>Unload Advanced)
Unload Speed Calibration — The adjustment factor (%) for the displayed metering roll speed. This
adjustment ensures that the calculated and actual grain flow rates are proportionate. A setting of 100%
indicates that both rates are equivalent.
PNEG-1851 Vision N2