Grain Systems PNEG-1851 User Manual
Page 34

Adjusted Speed — The speed that the metering rolls turn at when the Unload Auger switch is in the
On position. Enter the speed value that corresponds to your dryer’s configuration and your chosen
drying operation (full-heat or dry and cool).
Setting the Value Range for the Unload Speed, page 73
for information on the minimum and
maximum limits for the unload speed.
Incremental Adjustment — The incremental adjustment of the metering roll speed in manual mode.
Initial Settings for Full-Heat and Dry and Cool, page 78
for startup settings for both the
full-heat and dry and cool operations.
3. Turn the Unload switch to On.
Manual mode is enabled for the unloading phase and dry grain begins to unload.
4. As dry grain exits the dryer, obtain a sample to measure the actual outgoing moisture (see
Outgoing Moisture And Temperature Readings, page 71
for details).
5. If running in continuous flow, run a second complete cycle and repeat step 4 before proceeding. If
running in staged batch, proceed to step 6.
6. Based on the resulting moisture content, adjust the plenum temperature according to your dryer
If running in full-heat with a three-fan dryer, you can stage the plenum temperatures 30 degrees apart
—highest temperature at the top plenum and lowest at the bottom (for example, from top to bottom:
230°F, 200°F, 170°F).
7. Obtain another sample of dry grain as it exits the dryer and re-validate its moisture content.
8. Once you are outputting the desired moisture content, turn the Unload Auger switch to Auto.
Let’s assume that the wet grain has a moisture content of 25%, a target of 15%, and that you are running a
full-heat operation with a two-module dryer configuration. According to the startup settings, set an unload
speed of 390 bph after having dried the grain for 54 minutes.
PNEG-1851 Vision N2