Grain Systems PNEG-1851 User Manual
Page 109

and throughput specifications, some are faster than others, and therefore run for shorter periods of time
when filling the dryer wet bin.
metering rolls — A pair of linearly extruded, rotating devices that control the grain’s flow rate as the grain
descends from the grain columns to the unload auger.
mixed-flow dryer — A type of continuous flow dryer that exposes grain to a combination of heated and
cooled air that move in the opposite direction of, and concurrently to, the grain. As wet grain enters from
the top, it is exposed to an alternating sequence of heated and cooled air, thereby mixing the grain as it
dries. With mixed-flow dryers, moisture uniformity within the grain is increased, and the risk of overdrying
or underdrying the grain is significantly reduced. GSI’s portable dryers are crossflow dryers.
out of grain timer — The timer that starts when the load auger begins to turn and stops when the dryer
wet bin is full. If it elapses, a shutdown message alerts you that the wet grain storage bin supplying the
dryer is empty. The out of grain timer only works in auto mode.
plenum — The enclosure that serves as the receiving chamber for the heated air that is eventually
released into the grain columns. Each plenum is equipped with an air mixing chamber that thoroughly
mixes air and heat, and shields the grain column from direct contact with the burner’s infrared waves.
portable dryer — A modular grain dryer that can operate in both batch and continuous flow, and where
wet grain is dried in a drying column that is entirely separate from the wet grain and dried grain storage
stage — The act of varying two or more plenum temperatures setpoints in either ascending or descending
order, in an attempt to better control the grain’s outgoing moisture content. Ideal for wet grain that is very
wet, staging can be accomplished in portable dryers with multiple plenums, or in single-plenum dryers by
using one of two dual-setpoint control schemes in staged batch mode.
staged batch — A grain drying mode comprised of three separate phases, where only a portion of the
grain is loaded, dried, and unloaded at a single time.
take-away equipment — A set of optional auxiliary systems that transport the dry grain away from the
dryer. On a portable dryer, the unload auger and metering rolls are also considered part of the take-away
temper — A process used during dryeration, where hot grain steeps in its own vapor for several hours,
without ventilation, before being exposed to cool air for cooling. Tempering equalizes the kernel’s internal
moisture content and significantly reduces the chance of stress cracks, thus producing a higher quality
grain. Also referred to as steeping.
unload auger — A helical-shaped device that moves the grain out from the unload chamber. When the
unload auger rotates, the grain moves along the auger’s spiral and exits the dryer.
unload chamber — The compartment that contains the dry sensor, the metering rolls, and the unload
auger, and from where the dry grain is unloaded. The unload chamber is located at the bottom of the dryer.
wet grain storage bin — An auxiliary grain storage bin that is interfaced with the dryer and that stores the
wet grain before it is transferred to the dryer wet bin.
wet sensor — The sensor that measures the wet grain’s moisture content and displays the readings
onscreen. To avoid grain spoilage and other potential issues that might result from inaccurate readings,
the wet sensor readings should be validated regularly. The wet sensor is located in the dryer wet bin.
PNEG-1851 Vision N2