Grain Systems PNEG-1851 User Manual
Page 102
Appendix D: List of Parameters
Grain setpoint — The grain’s target temperature value. This setpoint is the reference parameter that is
used to determine your dryer’s unload rate.
Speed — The desired metering roll speed used to obtain the target grain temperature. If the grain temper-
ature is equal to, or rises 1°F (0.56°C) above its setpoint, the metering rolls turn at this speed setting; 1°F
(0.56°C) below the setpoint, the metering rolls automatically stop turning.
Moisture Control Settings: 2-Speed Temperature (Continuous Flow)
Unload Speeds Entered in — The units of measure (bushels or metric tons per hour, or metering roll
speed %) that the unload speed values are entered in.
Grain setpoint — The grain’s target temperature value. This setpoint is the reference parameter that is
used to determine your dryer’s unload rate.
High Speed — The high setpoint for the metering roll speed. If the grain temperature rises 1°F (0.56°C)
above its setpoint, the metering rolls turn at this speed setting.
Low Speed — The low setpoint for the metering roll speed. If the grain temperature drops 1°F (0.56°C)
below the setpoint, the metering rolls turn at this speed setting.
Moisture Control Settings: 5-Speed Temperature (Continuous Flow)
Unload Speeds Entered in — The units of measure (bushels or metric tons per hour, or metering roll
speed %) that the unload speed values are entered in.
Reference Temperature — The grain’s target temperature value. This setpoint is the reference parameter
that is used to determine your dryer’s unload rate.
Inner Temperature Offset — The small temperature offset, used to obtain the pair of temperature values
that are closest to the reference temperature. One value is equal to reference temperature minus this
offset, whereas the other is equal to the reference temperature plus this offset.
Outer Temperature Offset — The large temperature offset, used to obtain the pair of temperature values
that are furthest from the reference temperature. One value is equal to reference temperature minus this
offset, whereas the other is equal to the reference temperature plus this offset.
Reference Speed — The metering roll’s setpoint (or reference) speed. This is the only true speed parame-
ter that you set; the others are offsets of this value.
Inner Speed Offset — The small speed offset, used to obtain the pair of speed values that are closest to
the reference speed. One value is equal to reference speed minus this offset, whereas the other is equal
to the reference speed plus this offset.
Outer Speed Offset — The large speed offset, used to obtain the pair of speed values that are furthest
from the reference speed. One value is equal to reference speed minus this offset, whereas the other is
equal to the reference speed plus this offset.
Moisture Control Settings: 5-Speed Moisture (Continuous Flow)
Unload Speeds Entered in — The units of measure (bushels or metric tons per hour, or metering roll
speed %) that the unload speed values are entered in.
Reference Moisture — The grain’s target moisture value. This setpoint is the reference parameter that is
used to determine your dryer’s unload rate.
PNEG-1851 Vision N2