Chapter 6 the wet grain, The loading process, Chapter 6 – Grain Systems PNEG-1851 User Manual
Page 53: The wet grain the loading process, The wet grain

The Wet Grain
Topics Covered in this Chapter
Ensuring Dryer Shutdowns When Supply Is Out of Grain
Minimizing Load Auger Startups
Validating Incoming Moisture and Temperature Readings
The Loading Process
Loading is the process by which the auxiliary loading equipment supplies wet grain to the dryer wet bin,
and the load auger distributes the grain into the grain columns.
The loading sequence during the initial run (when the dryer is completely empty) differs from that of subse-
quent runs. During the initial run, you must load grain in manual mode; that is, the Load Auger switch
must be in the On position on the control panel. This allows you to properly validate the moisture content
of the wet grain and establish an appropriate unload speed to help you achieve the desired moisture con-
tent. For details on the loading sequence during the initial run, see
Drying Grain in the Initial Run, page 32
Once you are comfortable with the moisture content of the dry grain that your dryer is unloading, you can
begin loading and unloading grain in auto mode. To do so, make sure that the dryer is full of grain, and that
the Load Auger and Unload Auger switches are in their respective Auto positions on the control panel.
In auto mode, two parameters help control the loading of wet grain into the dryer wet bin: the load delay
and out of grain timer. To set the former, see
Minimizing Load Auger Startups, page 55
; to set the latter,
Ensuring Dryer Shutdowns When Supply Is Out of Grain, page 54
How the Loading Sequence Works in Auto Mode
Let’s assume that you set the load delay to 2 minutes, the out of grain timer to 8 minutes, you are drying
grain in continuous flow mode with an unload speed that is relatively constant, and that it takes about five
minutes for the auxiliary loading equipment to fill the dryer wet bin. As the dryer unloads dry grain, the load-
ing sequence proceeds as follows (see
1. The dryer wet bin empties and the load delay starts once the level of wet grain drops below the load
auger fill switch, thus deactivating the limit switch. At the same time, the load auger is not turning.
2. After two minutes have elapsed, the load delay ends, the wet grain storage bin begins supplying wet
grain to the dryer wet bin, and the load auger turns to evenly distribute the wet grain inside the dryer
wet bin. At the same time, the out of grain timer starts.
NOTE: If the load delay does not end before the grain level drops below the top of the plenum cham-
ber, a low-pressure shutdown is likely to occur.
3. After five minutes have elapsed, the dryer wet bin is full (load auger fill switch is activated), the wet
grain storage bin stops supplying wet grain to the dryer wet bin, and the out of grain timer stops. If
eight minutes (the out of grain timer value) elapse before the dryer wet bin is full, an out-of-grain timer
shutdown occurs.
4. The loading sequence starts over.
PNEG-1851 Vision N2