ZyXEL Communications Prestige 643 User Manual
Page 163

Prestige 643 ADSL Router
Call Scheduling
Start Time Enter the start time that you wish the schedule set to take effect in
hour : minute format.
Enter the maximum duration allowed in hour : minute format for this
scheduled connection.
Choose an action. Choices are:
Forced On means that the connection is maintained whether or not
there is a demand call on the line and will persist for the time period
specified in the Duration field.
Forced Down means that the connection is blocked whether or not
there is a demand call on the line.
Enable Dial-On-Demand means that this schedule permits a demand
call on the line.
Disable Dial-On-Demand means that this schedule prevents a
demand call on the line.
Forced On
Once your schedule sets are configured, you must then apply them to the desired remote node(s). Enter 11
from the main menu and then enter the target remote node index. Using the [SPACE BAR], change the
Encapsulation field to PPPoE to make the Schedule Sets field available as shown next.
Figure 13-3 Applying Schedule Set(s) to A Remote Node
You can apply up to 4 schedule sets, separated by commas, for one remote node. Change the schedule set
numbers to your preference(s).
Menu 11.1 - Remote Node Profile
Rem Node Name= ChangeMe
Active= Yes
Encapsulation= PPPoE
Multiplexing= LLC-based
Rem Login=
Rem Password= ********
My Login=
My Password= ********
Authen= CHAP/PAP
Route= IP
Bridge= No
Edit PPP Options= No
Rem IP Addr=
Edit IP/IPX/Bridge= No
Session Options:
Edit Filter Sets= No
PPPoE Idle Timeout(sec)= 0
PPPoE Service Name=
Schedule Sets=
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel: