ZyXEL Communications Prestige 643 User Manual

Page 134

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Prestige 643 ADSL Router




Your Prestige sends four types of syslog messages. Some examples of these syslog messages with their
message formats are shown next:

1. CDR

CDR Message Format

SdcmdSyslogSend( SYSLOG_CDR, SYSLOG_INFO, String );

String = board xx line xx channel xx, call xx, str

board = the hardware board ID

line = the WAN ID in a board

Channel = channel ID within the WAN

call = the call reference number which starts from 1 and increments by 1 for each new call

str = C01 Outgoing Call dev xx ch xx (dev:device No. ch:channel No.)




C02 OutCall Connected xxxx (means connected speed) xxxxx (means Remote Call Number)

L02 Call Terminated

C02 Call Terminated

Jul 19 11:19:27 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: board 0 line 0 channel 0, call 1, C01

Outgoing Call dev=2 ch=0 40002

Jul 19 11:19:32 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: board 0 line 0 channel 0, call

1, C02 OutCall Connected 64000 40002

Jul 19 11:20:06 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: board 0 line 0 channel 0, call

1, C02 Call Terminated

2. Packet triggered

Packet triggered Message Format
SdcmdSyslogSend( SYSLOG_PKTTRI, SYSLOG_NOTICE, String );

String = Packet trigger: Protocol=xx Data=xxxxxxxxxx…..x

Protocol: (1:IP 2:IPX 3:IPXHC 4:BPDU 5:ATALK 6:IPNG)

Data: We will send forty-eight Hex characters to the server