Communica tion with pc – Yamaha SRCP User Manual

Page 206

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11-5 Communication Command Description


This command switches the execution program number. When a program is reset, program execu-
tion will always return to the first step of the program selected here. The program is reset when the
@SWI command is executed.

Program number

: This is a number used to identify each program and can be from 0

to 99.

Transmission example

: @SWI 31 c/r l/f

Response example

: OK c/r l/f


Switches the task number to be executed. In the subsequent step run, the program of the task
selected here is executed. When the command such as @?NO or @?SNO is issued, the contents of
this task replies to it.

Task number

: This is a number used to identify each task and can be from 0 to


Transmission example

: @SWITSK 1 c/r l/f

Response example 1

: OK c/r l/f

Response example 2

: NG c/r l/f ...................................... The specified task was not


72: not execute task

c/r l/f

(4)@SINS ,

Inserts data in a specified step of a specified program. All data below the inserted data will shift
down one line. If the step following the last step is specified, a new step will be added. If the first
step of a program that does not exist is specified, a new program will be created. The SRCP
controller will transmit READY when this command is received. Confirm that READY is re-
ceived and then transmit the insertion data.

Program number

: This is a number used to identify each program and can be from 0

to 99.

Step number

: This is a number used to identify each step and can be from 1 to


Transmission example 1 : Send


@SINS 19,4 c/r l/f

READY c/r l/f

TIMR 50 c/r l/f

OK c/r l/f

Transmission example 2 : Send


@SINS 19,4 c/r l/f

NG c/r l/f
43: cannot find PGM c/r l/f