How to start a profile – Watlow Electric Integrated Controller User Manual Rev C EZ-ZONE PM User Manual
Page 48

Wa t l o w E Z - Z O N E
P M I n t e g r a t e d C o n t r o l l e r
4 6
C h a p t e r 7 P r o f i l i n g P a g e
The Profiling Page allows you to enter your ramp
and soak profile information.
To go to the Profiling Page from the Home Page,
press the Advance Key
‰ for three seconds, until
[ProF] appears in the lower display and the pro-
file number appears in the upper display. Press
the Up
¿ or Down ¯ key to change to another pro-
• Press the Advance Key
‰ to move to the selected
profile's first step.
• Press the Up
¿ or Down ¯ keys to move
through the steps.
• Press the Advance Key
‰ to move through the
selected step's settings.
• Press the Up
¿ or Down ¯ keys to change the
step's settings.
• Press the Infinity Key
ˆ at any time to return
to the step number prompt.
• Press the Infinity Key
ˆ again to return to the
profile number prompt.
• From any point press and hold the Infinity Key
ˆ for two seconds to return to the Home Page.
Note: Changes made to profile parameters in the Profiling
Pages will be saved and will also have an immediate impact
on the running profile.
Some parameters in the Profile Status Menu can be changed
for the currently running profile, but should only be changed
by knowledgeable personnel and with caution. Changing pa-
rameters via the Profile Status Menu will not change the stored
profile but will have an immediate impact on the profile that is
How to Start a Profile
After defining the profile follow the steps below to
run the profile:
1. From the Home Page push the Advance Key
repeatedly until Profile Start
[P;St1] appears in
the lower display.
2. Use the Up
¿ or Down ¯ key to choose the file
or step number within a profile where you want
the profile to begin running.
3. Press the Advance Key
‰. This takes you to
Profile Action
[P;AC1], where you can select the
appropriate action.
[none] No action
[ProF] Begin execution from first step of the
specified profile number, whether it exists or not.
[PAUS] Pause the currently running profile.
[rESU] Resume running the profile from the
previously paused step.
[`End] End the profile.
[StEP] Begin running the profile from the spec-
ified step number.
Note: Avoid continuous writes within loops. Excessive writes to
EEPROM will cause premature EEPROM failure. The EEPROM
is rated for 1,000,000 writes.
Parameter name
(Integer values for Mod-
bus in parentheses.)
Appears If
Profiling parameters appear if the controller includes profiling (PM6 R _ _ _-_ _ _ _ A _ _).
Select the profile to be edited or viewed.
P1 to P4
[ P1] to
[ P4]
Select a step to edit or view.
1 to 10 [profile 1]
11 to 20 [profile 2]
21 to 30 [profile 3]
31 to 40 [profile 4]
Step Type
Select a step type.
[UStP] Unused Step
[``ti] Time
[rAtE] Rate
[SoAH] Soak
[`W;E] Wait For Event
[W;Pr] Wait For Process
[W;bo] Wait For Both
[``JL] Jump Loop
[`End] End
Step Type Parameters
Target Set Point
Select the set point for this step.
-1,999.000 to
9,999.000°F or units
-1,128 to 5,537.000°C
0.0°F or
Step Type is set to Time,
Rate, Wait for Process or
Wait for Both.
Note: Some values will be rounded off to fit in the four-character display. Full values can be read with another interface.