Virtual kvm client (vkc), Virtual kvm, Client (vkc) – Raritan Computer DKX2-V2.3.5-0N-E User Manual

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Chapter 3: Working with Target Servers


start javaw -Xmn128M -Xmx512M -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=70
-XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=50 -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true
-DsocksProxyHost= -DsocksProxyPort=1080
-classpath .\sdeploy.jar;.\sFoxtrot.jar;.\jaws.jar;.\sMpc.jar
com.raritan.rrc.ui.RRCApplication %1

Virtual KVM Client (VKC)

Please note this client is used by various Raritan products. As such,
references to other products may appear in this section of help.


Whenever you access a target server using the Remote Console, a
Virtual KVM Client (VKC) window opens. There is one Virtual KVM Client
for each target server connected. These windows can be accessed via
the Windows


task bar.

Virtual KVM Client windows can be minimized, maximized, and moved
around your computer desktop.

Note: Refreshing your HTML browser closes the Virtual KVM Client
connection, so exercise caution.

Note: If you are using Firefox 3.0.3, you may experience problems
launching the application. If this occurs, clear the browser cache and
launch the application again.

Connecting to a KVM Target Server

To connect to a KVM target server:

1. From the KX II Remote Console, click the Port Access tab to open it.

The Port Access page opens.

2. Click the Port Name of the target you want to access. The Port

Action menu appears.

3. Click Connect. A Virtual KVM Client window opens to the target

server connected to that port.






Opens the Modify Connection Properties dialog
from which you can manually adjust bandwidth
options (such as connection speed, color depth,
and so forth).