Network/status alarms, Table 1-2 . network/status alarms, Alarm – Nortel Networks 6300 User Manual
Page 31: Description, Table 1-2. network/status alarms
Remote Annex 6300 Hardware Installation Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction
The six Network/Status Alarms, labeled RED, YEL, BLU, TEST,
SYNC, and LOS, display PRI network activity during system
operation. The front panel also has four system status LEDs labeled
ATTN, STAT, TRAF, and STATUS that display operational status
conditions for the Remote Annex 6300.
describes the alarms.
Technical Support personnel can use this information to diagnose
If you are using an external CSU, some of the Network/Status
alarm LEDs may not give true readings. In this case, defer to
the status and alarm conditions indicated on the external CSU.
Table 1-2. Network/Status Alarms
(continued on next page)
RED alarm LED is ON during a locally detected carrier failure.
During the RED alarm condition, a YELLOW alarm is
transmitted across the telephone network.
YELLOW alarm LED is ON when receiving a YELLOW alarm
condition from the telephone network.
BLUE alarm LED is ON when receiving an unframed, all-ones
Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) from the network. This condition
exists upon a loss of originating signal, or when any action is
taken that would cause a signal disruption.
RED network TEST LED is ON when the ISDN Network
Interface is looped back. Loopback tests are activated either
locally by the user or by the telephone company.
GREEN SYNC LED is ON when the PRI interface is properly
synchronized with the received network signal and is receiving
proper framing information.