Samsung SCH-6100 User Manual

Page 62

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Do not tra n s p o rt or store fl a m m able gas, liquid or ex p l o-
s i ves in the compartment of any ve h i cle that contains yo u r
phone or accessori e s .


A ny ch a n ges or modifications to your phone not ex p re s s ly
a p p roved in this document could void your wa rranty fo r
this equipment and void your authority to operate this
e q u i p m e n t .O n ly use approved batteri e s , antennas and
ch a rge rs .The use of any unauthorized accessories may be
d a n ge rous and will invalidate the phone wa rranty if said
a c c e s s o ries cause damage or a defect to the phone.

Although your phone is quite sturdy, it is a complex piece
of hardwa re and can be bro ke n .Use common-sense guide-
lines to avoid dro p p i n g ,h i t t i n g , bending or sitting on it.

FCC notice

The phone may cause TV or radio interfe rence if used in
close proximity to receiving equipment.The FCC can
re q u i re you to stop using the telephone if such interfe r-
ence cannot be eliminated.

Liquefied Petroleum Gas

L a s t ly, ve h i cles using liquefied petroleum gas (such as
p ropane or butane) must comply with the National Fi re
P rotection Standard (NFPA - 5 8 ) . For a copy of this standard ,
contact the National Fi re Protection A s s o c i a t i o n ,O n e
B a t t e ry m a rch Pa rk ,Q u i n c y,MA 02269,A t t n . :P u bl i c a t i o n
Sales Division.

Specifications Subject to Change

The info rmation contained in this manual is believed to be
c o rrect at the time of pri n t i n g ,h oweve r,Samsung re s e rve s
the right to ch a n ge or modify any of the specifi c a t i o n s
without notice or obligation to update existing units.

Using your phone near other electronic

Most modern electronic equipment is shielded from ra d i o

f requency (RF) signals.H oweve r, RF signals from PCS tele-

phones may affect inadequately shielded electronic equip-
m e n t .
RF signals may affect impro p e r ly installed or inadequately

shielded electronic operating and entertainment systems in
motor ve h i cl e s .C h e ck with the manu fa c t u rer or its re p re-

s e n t a t i ve to determine if these systems are adequately

shielded from ex t e rnal RF signals.You should also ch e ck

with the manu fa c t u rer re g a rding any equipment that has

been added to your ve h i cl e .

Consult the manu fa c t u rer of any personal medical dev i c e s

( s u ch as pacemake rs and hearing aids) to determine if they

a re adequately shielded from ex t e rnal RF signals.Tu rn off
the phone in healthcare facilities and request perm i s s i o n

b e fo re using the phone near medical equipment.

Turn off your phone in dangerous areas

To avoid interfe ring with blasting opera t i o n s , you should

t u rn off your phone when in a blasting area or in other

a reas with signs indicating that two - way radios should be

t u rned off. C o n s t ruction crews use re m o t e - c o n t rolled RF

d evices to set off ex p l o s i ve s .

Tu rn off your phone when you are in any area with a

p o t e n t i a l ly ex p l o s i ve atmosphere . It is ra re , but your phone

or its accessories could ge n e rate spark s .S p a rks could cause
an explosion or a fi re resulting in bodily injury or eve n

d e a t h .
A reas with a potentially ex p l o s i ve atmosphere are often,
but not always cl e a r ly marke d .T h ey include fueling are a s

s u ch as gas stations; b e l ow deck on boats; fuel or ch e m i c a l

t ra n s fer or storage fa c i l i t i e s ;a reas where the air contains

chemical or part i cles such as gra i n , dust or metal pow d e rs ;

and any other area where you would norm a l ly be advised
to turn off your ve h i cle engi n e .

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