Using the battery – Samsung SCH-6100 User Manual
Page 12

Using the battery
Your Samsung PCS Phone comes pack aged with a part i a l ly
ch a rge d , re ch a rge able Lithium Ion (LiIon) battery so that
you can use your phone immediately after it is activa t e d .
Installing the battery
To attach the battery to your Samsung PCS Phone:
1 . Hold the battery so that the
metal contacts on the base
of the battery line up with
the metal contacts on the
base of the phone.
2 . Place the battery on the back of the phone with the top
of the battery about 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch from the latch .
3 . G e n t ly push the battery towa rd the top of the phone
until it snaps into place.
Removing the battery
To re m ove the battery from your Samsung PCS Phone:
1 . Tu rn the phone off.
2 . P ress the battery release latch (see
i l l u s t ration) and slide the battery
away from the latch .
Charging the battery
You can tell whether or not your bat-
t e ry needs to be re ch a rged by ch e ck-
ing the
indicator in the upper-
right corner of your phone’s display.
R o a m i n g : This icon indicates you are “ ro a m i n g ”
o ff the Netwo rk of your service prov i d e r.
Message indicator: This icon indicates you have
Voicemail message(s) wa i t i n g .P ress
to see
the Message menu ,or press and hold
to be
connected to Vo i c e m a i l .
Message indicator: This icon indicates you have
m e s s age(s) wa i t i n g .The message(s) can be page ,
t ex t ,or Wi reless Web message ( s ) .P ress
t o
see the Message menu .
Vibrating Ringer: This icon indicates that an
incoming call will vibrate the phone rather than
ring it.This fe a t u re can be used for quiet situations
w h e re you don’t want your ri n ger to disturb others
or for loud situations where the ri n ger cannot be
h e a rd .
B a t t e ry stre n g t h : This icon is always displaye d
when your phone is on, and shows the level of
your battery ch a rge .The more bl a ck bars you see,
the greater the ch a rge .When the battery becomes
ve ry low, an empty box appears and the phone
flashes an alert ; this indicates your phone is ab o u t
to turn itself off.
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