Samsung SCH-6100 User Manual

Page 19

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Using Call Forwarding

With Call Fo r wa rd i n g , you can have all of your incoming
calls fo r wa rded to another phone number — even if yo u r
phone is turned off.When Call Fo r wa rding is used, you can
still make calls from your phone.

To use Call Fo r wa rding ask your service prov i d e r.

Displaying your phone number

The phone number of your Samsung PCS Phone display s
eve ry time you turn on your phone.You can easily display
your phone number by two methods.

To view your phone number from Standby mode:

1 . P ress

to display the Main menu .

2 . P ress

for Phone Book.

3 . P ress

for My Phone #.

4 . P ress

to re t u rn to the previous scre e n .

To view your phone number while in a conve rs a t i o n :

1 . P ress

to display the In-Use menu .

2 . P ress

for Phone Book menu .

3 . P ress

for My Phone #.

Using Three-Way Calling

T h re e - Way Calling lets you talk with two diffe rent people
at the same time.When you use this fe a t u re , you will be
ch a rged normal airtime rates for each of the two calls yo u
m a ke .The phone re c o rds each called party in the Outgo i n g
Calls Log.

D u ring a thre e - way call,if one of the callers hangs up, yo u
and the remaining caller will stay connected.If you initiat-
ed the call and you hang up fi rs t , all three parties are dis-
c o n n e c t e d .

T h e re are two methods for making a thre e - way call;t h e
SEND key method and by using the In-Use menu .

To place a thre e - way call using the SEND key method:

1 . D u ring a conve rs a t i o n ,s i m p ly press

.The phone

places the current call on hold.

2 . N ex t ,enter the number for the third part y, and pre s s


3 . When yo u ’re connected to the third part y, p ress

again to begin your thre e - way call.

To place a thre e - way call using the In-Use menu :

1 . D u ring a conve rs a t i o n ,s i m p ly press


for T h re e - Way Calling.

2 . N ex t , enter the number for the third part y, and pre s s

.The phone places the current call on hold.

3 . When yo u ’re connected to the third part y, p ress

again to begin your thre e - way call.

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