Samsung SCH-6100 User Manual
Page 20

Failed calls
A failed call can occur if your Samsung PCS Phone is out of
calling ra n ge or the netwo rk is tempora ri ly busy.Yo u r
phone responds to a failed call by displaying an appro p ri-
ate text message : “Call not completed out of ra n ge ” .
Cancel the call attempt and re t u rn to Standby mode by
p ressing
and try the call again later.
Key beep volume setting
The keys on your phone beep when they are pre s s e d .T h e
volume of the beeps can be easily set to one of three lev-
e l s .If you don’t want the keys to beep at all, you can turn
them off.
To set the key beep vo l u m e :
1 . P ress
to display the Main menu .
2 . P ress
for Setup / To o l .
3 . P ress
for Sounds.
4 . P ress
for Key Beep.
5 . P ress the scroll keys to view and listen to the key beep
volume options: H i g h ,M e d ,L ow or Off.
6 . When the desired volume level display s ,p ress
t o
s ave the setting.
Missed calls
Your phone keeps a list of calls that you do not answe r
when the phone is on and service is ava i l abl e .The phone
indicates a missed call by displaying a text notification on
the scre e n .A d d i t i o n a l ly, if caller info rmation is ava i l abl e ,a
Missed Call Log entry is cre a t e d , and the screen display s
the phone number of the most recent missed call.
Your phone gi ves you two ve ry convenient options when
you have missed a call:
P ress
to call the displayed nu m b e r.
P ress
to save the number in the Internal Phone
B o o k .
To view a list of your missed calls,see “ R ev i ew i n g
O u t go i n g , Incoming or Missed Calls”on page 100.
P ress
to clear the “Missed Call” m e s s age fro m
the display and re t u rn to Standby mode.
Dropped calls
A dropped call can occur during a conve rsation in
response to a signal fade or leaving a service are a . In this
c a s e , the call ends and “Signal Fa d e d ”d i s p l ay s .
P ress
to clear the message and re t u rn to Standby
m o d e .
If the dropped call was an outgoing call from your phone,
you can redial the number automatically by pressing
t w i c e .
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