Keeping track of your calls – Samsung SCH-6100 User Manual
Page 49

3 . When the list of calls display s ,p ress the scroll keys to
scan the logs.The time / date stamp displays for each
l o g . If there is an Internal Phone Book match , the name
d i s p l ay s . If there is not an Internal Phone Book match ,
o n ly the phone number display s .
4 . When a log is highlighted you can pre s s :
to be connected to that part y.
to rev i ew info rmation ava i l able on that call
(name and phone number (if ava i l able) and time/date
s t a m p ) .When you are viewing this info rmation yo u
can press
for more options (talk,s ave to yo u r
phone book, or prepend the nu m b e r ) .
5 . P ress
to exit the Call Logs list and re t u rn to the
p revious scre e n .
Erasing Call Logs
You can erase any of the three lists (Outgo i n g ,Incoming or
Missed calls) or you can easily erase all three lists at once.
H e re ’s how to do it:
1 . P ress
to display the Main menu .
2 . P ress
for Call Logs.
3 . P ress
for Erase History.
P ress the associated digit key to select an option:
P ress
for Outgoing calls.
P ress
for Incoming calls.
P ress
for Missed calls.
P ress
for All Calls.
4 . P ress
to erase or press
to cancel the opera-
tion and re t u rn to the previous scre e n .
Keeping track of your calls
Your phone does a great job of telling you about it’s calling
activity and lets you easily re t u rn these calls.
Your phone retains these three lists in memory :
Incoming - the last 10 calls placed to your phone.
O u t going - the last 10 calls placed from your phone.
Missed - the last 10 calls placed to your phone that yo u
did not answe r.
E a ch entry in the three lists is re fe rred to as a Call Log.
E a ch Call Log contains the name and phone number (if
ava i l abl e ) ,and a time/date stamp. In case of duplicate
e n t ries back - t o - b a ck , the phone consolidates those logs and
s t o res only the most recent call from or to the same nu m-
b e r.
You can also erase your call log lists easily (see “ E rasing Call
L o g s ” on page 95).
In addition to Incoming, O u t going and Missed lists,yo u r
phone maintains two airtime logs. See “ R ev i ewing airt i m e ”
on page 96 for info rmation on this useful fe a t u re .
Reviewing Outgoing, Incoming or Missed Calls
When displaying a Call Log, p ress
to be immediately
c o n n e c t e d .
1 . P ress
to display the Main menu .
2 . P ress
for Call Logs.
P ress the associated digit key to select an option:
P ress
for Outgoing calls.
P ress
for Incoming calls.
P ress
for Missed calls.
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