Voicemail – Samsung SCH-6100 User Manual

Page 43

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Setting up your Voicemail box

Setting up your Voicemail box provides access to vo i c e m a i l
m e s s age s .

To set up your voicemail box ask your service prov i d e r.

Reviewing Voicemail messages

To rev i ew voicemail messages from Standby mode, use

O n e - To u ch Access (see below) or:

1 . P ress

to display the Messages menu .

2 . P ress

for Vo i c e m a i l .The screen displays “ Vo i c e m a i l

N ew ” .

3 . P re s s :

to listen to voicemail message s .

to reset the display icon for voicemail

One-Touch Access to your Voicemail box

Your phone allows you to have One-To u ch Access to yo u r
voicemail box .This is done from Standby mode by pre s s i n g
and holding



You can perfo rm calculations including addition, s u b t ra c-
t i o n , multiplication and division on your phone.

To perfo rm a calculation:

1 . P ress

to display the Main menu .

2 . P ress

for Setup / To o l .

3 . P ress

for Calculator.

4 . P ress digit keys to enter the fi rst number in your calcula-

t i o n .N u m b e rs can be up to 9 digits long.

P ress

to enter a decimal point.

P ress

to ch a n ge the sign of a number to a nega-

t i ve (-).

5 . P ress

to set the operator for your calculation.Yo u r

choices are :

[+] addition
[-] subtra c t i o n
[x] mu l t i p l i c a t i o n
[/] division

6 . P ress digit keys to enter the second number of your cal-

c u l a t i o n .

7 . P ress

to perfo rm the calculation and see the

re s u l t ,o r :

8 . You can continue to perfo rm calculations with the same

o p e rator or ch a n ge the operator and continue your cal-
c u l a t i o n s .E ve ry time that you ch a n ge the opera t o r, t h e
p revious calculation is perfo rmed and the result is dis-
p l ayed as the top number in the display.

9 . P ress

to perfo rm the calculation and see the

re s u l t .

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