Display options – Samsung SCH-6100 User Manual

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Personal greeting

Your phone comes with a greeting that reads “ S A M S U N G
P C S ” .This greeting displays in Standby mode.You can per-
sonalize this greeting with anything you want up to 12
ch a ra c t e rs .H e re ’s how to do it:

To modify your personal gre e t i n g :

1 . P ress

to display the Main menu .

2 . P ress

for Setup / To o l .

3 . P ress

for Display.

4 . P ress

for Gre e t i n g .Your current greeting display s .

5 . Enter a new personal greeting by pressing the alphanu-

m e ric keys on the key p a d .When entering your gre e t i n g ,
the phone defaults to alpha text (lower case) input
m o d e .P ress the

key for more text entry options.

6 . P ress

to save your personal gre e t i n g .

Backlight contrast control

The brightness (or contrast) of your backlight can be easily
ch a n ge d .To ch a n ge the setting or view the current setting:

1 . P ress

to display the Main menu .

2 . P ress

for Setup / To o l .

3 . P ress

for Display.

4 . P ress

for Contra s t .

5 . P ress the scroll keys to scan menu options:H i g h e s t ,

H i g h ,M e d ,L ow and Lowe s t .

6 . When the desired option display s ,p ress

to save

the setting.

Display options

Your Samsung PCS Phone has seve ral easy-to-use display
o p t i o n s .These allow you to:

C o n t rol when and how long your backlight is on.
D e fine a personal greeting of up to 12 ch a ra c t e rs .
C o n t rol the brightness (or contrast) of the back l i g h t .
Set the language (English or Spanish) used on yo u r
s c reen and spoken for voice dialing pro m p t s .
Vi ew the hardwa re and softwa re ve rsions of yo u r
p h o n e .

Backlight control

You have seve ral options for setting how the back l i g h t
o p e ra t e s .When the phone is cl o s e d , the backlight re m a i n s
o ff, thus conserving battery powe r.When the phone is
o p e n , the length of time that the backlight remains on can
be set as explained below. Remember that backlight use
d rains your battery fa s t e r.To select backlight options:

1 . P ress

to display the Main menu .

2 . P ress

for Setup / To o l .

3 . P ress

for Display.

4 . P ress

for Back l i g h t .

5 . P ress the scroll keys to scan menu options: Flip Open, 8

or 30 Seconds (after last key p re s s ) , or Off.

6 . When the desired option display s ,p ress

to save

the setting.

N o t e : The Backlight options wo rk the same as descri b e d
ab ove when the phone is attached to the optional hands-
f ree car kit.

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