Samsung SCH-6100 User Manual
Page 17

Roaming call guard
Your phone can be set to display a confi rmation message
when a roaming call is about to be placed or re c e i ve d .T h i s
is helpful if you want to avoid roaming ch a rge s .To ch a n ge
your roaming call guard setting:
1 . P ress
to display the Main menu .
2 . P ress
for Roaming.
3 . P ress
for Call Guard .
4 . Select Yes or No using the scroll key s .
5 . When the desired setting display s ,p ress
to save the
setting or
to exit without sav i n g .
What you’ll see
You should always ch e ck your phone’s display because it
will let you know when yo u ’re outside your serv i c e
p rov i d e r ’s Netwo rk .
your service prov i d e r ’s Netwo rk -
is not displaye d
Other CDMA Netwo rks -
d i s p l ay s
Note: This can be diffe rent depending on your serv i c e
p rov i d e r ’s setting.
Setting your phone’s roaming ability
Your Samsung PCS Phone allows you to control your ab i l i t y
to ro a m .The roaming ability is determined by the “ m o d e ”
that you select in the Main menu .
The three service modes are :
Au t o m a t i c : The phone will search for your serv i c e
p rov i d e r ’s service fi rs t . When this service is not ava i l-
abl e , it will search for an alternate system automatically.
O n ly PCS or No Roaming: This setting allows you to
select only your service prov i d e r ’s Netwo rk to preve n t
ro a m i n g .
To select the service mode:
1 . P ress
to display the Main menu .
2 . P ress
for Roaming.
3 . P ress
for Set Mode.
4 . P ress the scroll keys to scan options.
5 . When the desired service mode display s ,p ress
t o
s ave the setting or
to exit without sav-
i n g .
SCH-6100(Eng) 8/17/00 4:24 AM Page 30