Dialing numbers from your internal phone book – Samsung SCH-6100 User Manual

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Dialing numbers from

your Internal Phone Book

Dialing nu m b e rs from your Internal Phone Book is quick
and easy.T h e re are fi ve methods explained below.

Shortcuts to Memory Dialing

S c roll to the nu m b e r : From Standby mode,p ress the

key to enter your Internal Phone
Book list. S c roll until you find the
d e s i red person or nu m b e r, and then
p ress the


O n e - To u ch Dialing:

P ress and hold the associated digi t
key for the location (applies to mem-
o ry locations 1 through 9).

Two - To u ch Dialing: P ress and release the fi rst associated

d i git key, and then press and hold
the second digit key (applies to
m e m o ry locations 10 through 99).

T h re e - To u ch Dialing: P ress and release the fi rst associated

d i git key, then press and release the
second digit key, then press and hold
the third digit key (applies to memo-
ry locations 100 through 229).

Four Digit Dialing:

From the Standby mode, enter fo u r
c o n s e c u t i ve digits of a stored nu m-
ber (for ex a m p l e , the last four digi t s
of a number) and press


Speed Dialing:

From Standby mode, enter the nu m-
ber of the memory location,a n d
p ress


Erasing Internal Phone Book entries

To erase an entry in the Internal Phone Book:
1 . From Standby mode, find the Internal Phone Book entry

that you want to ch a n ge by pressing the

key and

then scrolling to the name.

2 . P ress the

key to display the name and nu m b e r.

3 . P ress the

key for options.

4 . P ress

for Era s e .

5 . P ress

to era s e .Your phone will prompt you for confi r-

m a t i o n .P ress

to confi rm and erase the Internal Phone

Book entry, or press

to cancel the erase and re t u rn to

the Internal Phone Book options menu .

The “ E ra s e d ”n o t i fication displays along with the name,nu m-

b e r, and location of the erased entry.

Erasing the Internal Phone Book

See “ E rasing Your Internal Phone Book”on page 93.

Set Speed Dial

For each name entered in the Internal Phone Book, one of

the pro grammed nu m b e rs should be designated as the speed

dial nu m b e r.

1 . From Standby mode, find the number that you want to

ch a n ge by pressing the key

and then scrolling to

the name.

2 . P ress the

key to display the name and nu m b e r.

3 . P ress the

key for options.

4 . P ress

for Edit.

5 . P ress

for Set Speed Dial.

6 . P ress

to Set Speed Dial.The message “Speed Dial

S ave d ”d i s p l ay s .To cancel press

to re t u rn to the pre-

vious menu .

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