Samsung SCH-6100 User Manual

Page 18

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Call Waiting

Call Waiting lets you re c e i ve a second call during conve rs a-
t i o n .When a Call Waiting call comes in, the incoming call
a l e rt sounds (this sound is audible to you but not your fi rs t
c a l l e r ) ,and a text notification display s .

Your Samsung PCS Phone provides the option of turning the
Call Waiting fe a t u re on or off. Call Waiting is on by defa u l t .I f
you choose to have an undisturbed conve rs a t i o n ,s i m p ly
t u rn off the fe a t u re for the current call.

Answering a Call Waiting call

To answer a Call Waiting call:

1 . P ress

.The phone connects the calling party and

places the current party on hold.

2 . P ress

again to sw i t ch between the two part i e s .

N o t e : If you do not respond to a Call Waiting notifi c a t i o n ,
the phone logs the call in the Missed Calls Log and then
sends the call to the Vo i c e m a i l .

Using Caller ID

This fe a t u re tells you who is calling you by displaying the
c a l l e r ’s number when the phone ri n g s . If a caller’s name
and number are stored in your Internal Phone Book, t h e
c o rresponding name is also displaye d . If you call someone
who has this fe a t u re , your phone number is displayed on
their phone.

To bl o ck your phone number from being displayed for a
p a rticular outgoing call, ask your service prov i d e r.

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