The top line of the display, Turning your samsung pcs phone on and off – Samsung SCH-6100 User Manual
Page 11

The top line of the display
D i s p l ay indicators (or icons) appear across the top of yo u r
p h o n e ’s display scre e n .The signal strength and battery
s t rength icons will always appear, but other icons appear
based your phone’s operating mode.
Signal stre n g t h : This icon always appears when
your phone is on,and shows your current signal
s t re n g t h .M o re lines indicate more signal stre n g t h .
Four lines indicate maximum stre n g t h , and one line
indicates least stre n g t h .
S e rvice indicator: This icon indicates a call is in
p ro gre s s . If there is tro u ble with signal stre n g t h ,
this indicator will have a diagonal line through it.
No service indicator: This icon indicates yo u r
phone cannot find a signal because yo u ’re outside
a service are a .When this is displaye d ,you cannot
m a ke or re c e i ve calls.Wait a little while for a signal
or move into an open are a .
N o t e : The no service indicator will always appear
when you turn on your phone.As soon as service is
fo u n d ,the indicator disappears .
Turning your Samsung PCS
Phone on and off
To turn it on
S i m p ly press
and three things happen:
The LED indicator fl a s h e s ,
the phone beeps and
the start-up graphics begin to play.
The phone will then begin searching for a netwo rk signal.
When a signal is fo u n d , the
icon appears and yo u r
phone enters Standby mode.The Standby mode screen is
s h own below and always contains the fo l l owing fo u r
t h i n g s :
Signal strength indicator
B a t t e ry strength indicator
Banner (here the banner is
“Samsung PCS” but you can per-
sonalize it).
Time and date.
You can make and re c e i ve calls now.
To turn it off
To turn your phone off, p ress and hold
until the
p ower off graphics begin to play.The power off sounds will
then play and the display goes bl a n k . Notice that when the
phone is off,nothing is displayed on the scre e n , and the
b a cklight is off.
N o t e : If your phone is on and
is pressed for less
than one second, the phone will not turn off.This fe a t u re
helps keep your phone from being accidentally turned off.
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