Samsung SCH-6100 User Manual
Page 59

Maintaining your phone’s peak performance
To operate your phone pro p e r ly — that is,to maintain safe
and satisfa c t o ry service — you should fo l l ow these ru l e s :
Hold the phone with the antenna up and over yo u r
s h o u l d e r.
Do not hold, bend or twist the phone antenna at any
t i m e .
Do not use the phone with a damaged antenna.
Speak dire c t ly into the micro p h o n e .
Avoid exposing your phone and accessories to rain or
liquid spills. If your phone gets we t ,t u rn the power off
i m m e d i a t e ly,re m ove the battery and allow the phone
and battery to air dry for 10 hours (in normal ro o m
t e m p e ra t u re and humidity).If after the 10 hour dry i n g
t i m e ,the phone is inoperabl e , you should re t u rn it to
the store where you purchased it or a Samsung PCS
a u t h o rized service center.
O n ly Samsung PCS authorized personnel should serv i c e
your phone and its accessori e s . Faulty service may inva l i-
date the wa rra n t y.
Understanding how your phone operates
Your phone is basically a radio transmitter and re c e i ve r.
When it’s turned on, it re c e i ves and transmits radio fre-
quency (RF) signals.When your phone is in use,the system
handling your call controls the power leve l .This powe r
l evel can ra n ge from 0.006 watts to 0.2 wa t t s .
Radio frequency safety
In 1991—1992,the Institute of Electrical and Electro n i c s
E n gi n e e rs (IEEE) and the A m e rican National Standard s
Institute (ANSI) joined in updating A N S I ’s 1982 standard fo r
s a fety levels with respect to human ex p o s u re to RF signals.
M o re than 120 scientists, e n gi n e e rs and physicians fro m
u n i ve rs i t i e s , gove rnment health agencies and industry
d eveloped this updated standard after rev i ewing the ava i l-
able body of re s e a rch .In 1993, the Fe d e ra l
C o m munications Commission (FCC) adopted this updated
s t a n d a rd in a re g u l a t i o n . In August 1996, the FCC adopted a
hy b rid standard consisting of the existing ANSI/IEEE stan-
d a rd and the guidelines published by the National Council
of Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP).
The design of the phone complies with these updated stan-
d a rd s . Of cours e , if you want to limit RF ex p o s u re even fur-
ther than the updated standard , you can choose to contro l
the duration of your calls and operate your phone in the
most powe r - e fficient manner.
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