The internal phone book – Samsung SCH-6100 User Manual
Page 33

Finding stored entries by name
1 . P ress
to display the Main menu .
2 . P ress
for Phone Book.
3 . P ress
for Find Name.
S t o red names display in an alphabetical list.
4 . Using the alphanu m e ric keys enter the fi rst ch a racter of
the name that you want to find in your phone book.T h e
phone searches for and displays the fi rst Internal Phone
Book entry beginning with the ch a racter you entere d .
You can enter the second ch a racter of the name and
your phone will display name entries beginning with
the two ch a ra c t e rs you entere d .You can also scro l l
t h rough Phone Book entries using the navigation key s .
5 . When you find your desired entry, m a ke sure it is high-
l i g h t e d , and then press
to place a call, or
t o
edit the entry.
Finding stored entries by location
1 . P ress
to display the Main menu .
2 . P ress
for Phone Book.
3 . P ress
for Find Entry.
4 . P ress the corresponding digit keys to enter and display
your desired location or use the navigation keys to
locate an entry,m a ke sure it is highlighted and then
p ress
to display the selected entry.
The Internal Phone Book
Your Samsung PCS Phone lets you store up to 229 nu m b e rs
and names in the Internal Phone Book.E a ch entry can have
up to 6 associated phone nu m b e rs .E a ch entry can contain
up to 32 digits including hard pauses,with an associated
name of up to 12 ch a ra c t e rs . Name entry is optional. S t o re d
phone nu m b e rs can be catego rized as one of six catego ries -
H o m e ,Wo rk ,M o b i l e , Page r,Fax and No-lab e l .You can eve n
specify the memory location of your choice for each entry.
M e m o ry locations can be marked “ S e c re t ”p reventing the
u n a u t h o rized from seeing the telephone nu m b e r.
O n e - t o u ch ,t wo - t o u ch , and thre e - t o u ch dialing from yo u r
I n t e rnal Phone Book makes it easy to call a phone nu m b e r
s t o red in your Phone Book. See “ S h o rtcuts to Memory
D i a l i n g ” on page 71.
Viewing stored entries
You can locate and view your Internal Phone Book entri e s
t h ree diffe rent way s :
Viewing stored entries in one step
key allows you to view your entire Intern a l
Phone Book in alphabetical order of the names (a-z).
1 . P ress the the
key to access the Internal Phone
Book alphab e t i c a l ly.After
key is pressed you may
enter a letter to quick ly access a particular entry.
2 . P ress
to scroll through your stored entri e s .You can
p ress
to scroll back wa rd or press
to scro l l
fo r wa rd through you phone book entri e s .
You can place a call by finding the name that you wa n t
to call using this One Step Internal Phone Book access
and pressing the
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