Pause dialing – Samsung SCH-6100 User Manual
Page 22

Pause dialing
When you call automated systems (like banking serv i c e s ) ,
you are often re q u i red to enter a passwo rd or account nu m-
b e r.Instead of manu a l ly entering the nu m b e rs each time,
you can store the nu m b e rs in your Internal Phone Book, s e p-
a rated by special ch a ra c t e rs called pauses.
T h e re are two kinds of pauses that can be entered on yo u r
Samsung PCS Phone:
H a rd pause - A hard pause stops the dialing sequence
until you press the
b u t t o n .
Two second pause - A two second pause stops the dial-
ing sequence for two seconds and then automatically
sends the remaining digi t s .
Your phone has two pause dialing methods: pause dialing
f rom the Internal Phone Book (see “ Pause dialing from a
s t o red Internal Phone Book entry ”on page 41), and manu a l
pause dialing (see “ M a nual pause dialing” on page 42).
N o t e : Multiple two second pauses can be entered to ex t e n d
the length of a pause. For ex a m p l e ,t wo consecutive two sec-
ond pauses cause a total pause time of four seconds.
H oweve r, keep in mind that pauses count as digits towa rd s
the 32 digit dialing maximu m .
Storing pauses in an Internal Phone Book entry
To store a number in your Internal Phone Book that con-
tains pauses:
1 . Enter the phone number you want to store (such as the
b a n k ’s teleservice phone nu m b e r ) .
6 . P ress
to Pre p e n d .
7 . Enter the area code or fe a t u re activation code by pre s s-
ing the digit key s . For fe a t u re calls, p ress
b e fo re
dialing the fe a t u re code.
8 . P ress
to call the prepended nu m b e r.
Four-digit dialing
Your phone provides the option of dialing a number store d
in the Internal Phone Book simply by dialing four digi t s .
Enter any four consecutive digits of someone’s phone nu m-
ber (for instance,the last four digi t s ) ,h ave your phone
remember the rest of the nu m b e r, and then dial it for yo u .
To place a call using fo u r - d i git dialing:
1 . Dial any four consecutive digits of a phone number that
you have stored in your Internal Phone Book.The store d
phone number can be any length up to 32 digi t s .
2 . P ress
to display the Digit Dial menu .
3 . P ress
for 4-Digit Dial.The phone dials the phone
number automatically.
N o t e : If your Internal Phone Book has more than one
phone number stored that contains the four digi t s ,“ Wa i t ”
and all nu m b e rs containing the four digits will be dis-
p l aye d .S c roll through the displayed phone nu m b e rs to
highlight the desired nu m b e r, and then press
to be
c o n n e c t e d .
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