Advanced voice calling features – Samsung SCH-6100 User Manual
Page 21

Prepend dialing
The Prepend option lets you add digits such as area codes
and netwo rk fe a t u re activation codes (for ex a m p l e , to tem-
p o ra ri ly cancel call waiting) to a phone number that is
s t o red in your Internal Phone Book or Call Logs.To
p repend existing phone nu m b e rs in the Internal Phone
B o o k :
1 . P ress
to display the Main menu .
2 . P ress
for Internal Phone Book.
Remember you can access the Internal Phone Book by
Name simply by pressing
3 . Find the number that you want to pre p e n d ;
p ress
to Find Name or press
to Find Entry.
4 . P ress
to scroll to the nu m b e r / p e rson you want to
p repend and press
5 . P ress
for more options.
6 . P ress
for Pre p e n d .
7 . Enter the prepend digits (area code or fe a t u re activa t i o n
code) by pressing the digit key s . For fe a t u re calls, p re s s
b e fo re dialing the fe a t u re code.
8 . P ress
to call the prepended nu m b e r.
To prepend a phone number from your Call Logs:
1 . P ress
to display the Main menu .
2 . P ress
for Calls.
3 . P re s s :
to prepend a number in the Outgoing Call Log
to prepend a number in the Incoming Call Log
to prepend a number in the Missed Call Log.
4 . Using the navigation key s ,s c roll to the nu m b e r / p e rs o n
you want to prepend and press
5 . P ress
for more options.
Advanced voice calling features
Tone length setting
The tone length setting enables you to select short or long
DTMF (dual-tone mu l t i - f requency) tones. DTMF tones are
sent by your phone to access teleservices (such as a bank
account or voicemail system).The system used by the bank
or other service determines if you need short or long
D T M F. If the service is digi t a l ,s h o rt DTMF tones will almost
a lways wo rk .H oweve r, some new systems and almost all
older (analog) systems re q u i re you to use long DTMF
t o n e s .
To set tone length:
1 . P ress
to display the Main menu .
2 . P ress
for Setup / To o l .
3 . P ress
for Sounds.
4 . P ress
for Tone Length.
5 . P ress the scroll keys to toggle between Short and Long.
6 . When the desired option display s ,p ress
to save
the setting.
Automatic hyphenation
When you dial a nu m b e r,hy p e rnation is perfo rmed auto-
m a t i c a l ly by the phone.This hy p e rnates nu m b e rs as fo l-
l ow s :
0 0 0 - 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0
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